How to reset permissions in Exchange 2003
Hey guys, I am sorry if my query is a repeat one, I did search a bit but couldn't find anything relevant. I need to know how do I reset to default permissions at the Organisation level on Exchane 2003 ? I have messed some permissions and I don;t remmember the changes I have done.
Thanks in advance. Cheers, Rags
April 15th, 2008 7:32am
Did you by chance try running domainprep again against the domain for where exchange is homed? Not sure if this will work, but it's a start.
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April 15th, 2008 10:08pm
Hi,Domain prep won't help much because it would reset permissions only on the "Exchange Enterprise Server" Group...but there are many groups which have permissions at the Organisation level....Can you please think of something we have any tool which would help me to reset....Regards,Rags
April 16th, 2008 12:45am
I am getting ready to do the same thing, probably early next week. Instead of a toll I intend to to setup a dummy domain, install Exchange and then use it for reference when I make the changes.
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May 8th, 2008 5:52am