How to troubleshoot Performance
HI All,
How to troublshoot exchange 2010 performace?
July 2nd, 2012 7:20pm
You can Best Practices Analyzer. It can help you scan all the system.EMC->Tool.
If you want to monitor performance, the following performance tools are available in the Toolbox.
Performance Monitor Performance
Monitor is a tool you can configure to collect information about the performance of your messaging system. Specifically, you can use it to monitor, create graphs, and log performance metrics for core system functions. You can also use Performance Monitor to
monitor Exchange-specific parameters, such as the number of inbound or outbound messages per hour or the number of directory lookups performed by Exchange. Performance Monitor is commonly used to view key parameters while troubleshooting performance problems.
It's also used to gather baseline performance data to perform historical trend analysis and measure the impact of changes to your Exchange environment.
Performance Troubleshooter Performance
Troubleshooter helps you to locate and identify performance-related issues that could affect an Exchange server. You can diagnose a problem by selecting the symptoms observed. Based on the symptoms, the tool walks you through the correct troubleshooting path.
Performance Troubleshooter identifies possible bottlenecks and suggests corrective actions.
TechNet Subscriber Support
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tngfb@microsoft.comTerence Yu
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July 2nd, 2012 10:09pm
You can Best Practices Analyzer. It can help you scan all the system.EMC->Tool.
If you want to monitor performance, the following performance tools are available in the Toolbox.
Performance Monitor Performance
Monitor is a tool you can configure to collect information about the performance of your messaging system. Specifically, you can use it to monitor, create graphs, and log performance metrics for core system functions. You can also use Performance Monitor to
monitor Exchange-specific parameters, such as the number of inbound or outbound messages per hour or the number of directory lookups performed by Exchange. Performance Monitor is commonly used to view key parameters while troubleshooting performance problems.
It's also used to gather baseline performance data to perform historical trend analysis and measure the impact of changes to your Exchange environment.
Performance Troubleshooter Performance
Troubleshooter helps you to locate and identify performance-related issues that could affect an Exchange server. You can diagnose a problem by selecting the symptoms observed. Based on the symptoms, the tool walks you through the correct troubleshooting path.
Performance Troubleshooter identifies possible bottlenecks and suggests corrective actions.
TechNet Subscriber Support
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If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
tngfb@microsoft.comTerence Yu
TechNet Community Support
July 2nd, 2012 10:20pm
Do you have anything update ?Terence Yu
TechNet Community Support
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 8th, 2012 9:52pm