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Best Practices for Delegating Active Directory Administration
How to delegate AD permission to Organisational Units using the PowerShell command Add-QADPermission
The DistinguishedName attibute is generated based on where the AD Object is located in active directory. You cannot simply change the path. The way to chagne the path is to move the AD object to another OU in your AD environment.
You can use Powershell (move-adobject) cmdlet or you can do this from the GUI (ADUC).
If your Exchange environment and AD environment do not match up with your DN then i would suggest that there is some replication issues between AD/Exchange.
Here i need to rename CN=TobeUpdated from original DistinguishedName CN=TobeUpdated,OU=users,OU=VPs,DC=Abc,DC=Com . Will a simple renaming of AD object associated with same rename the DistinguishedName as well ?