How to use create ExchangeService with TokenCredentials?

I wanted to use the EWS Managed API in my Office Mail App.  I would like to obtain the credential from the mailbox in JS and then pass it to the code behind to create the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService object.  I was able to create the object if I use the WebCredential with username and password, but I would like to use the credential in the mailbox, so I don't have to ask the user for username and password again.  I saw that there is an identitytoken available in JS

 Office.initialize = function () {
            // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready function.
            $(document).ready(function () {
                // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run.
                _mailbox = Office.context.mailbox;
                _Item = _mailbox.item;


 function getUserIdentityTokenCallback(asyncResult) {

so, I tried to use this token to create the ExchangeService object and get the mail item like below.

 public Item Test(string email, string token, string mailID, string url)
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = CertificateValidationCallBack;
            exchangeService = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_SP1);

            exchangeService.Credentials = new TokenCredentials(token);
            exchangeService.TraceEnabled = true;
            exchangeService.TraceFlags = TraceFlags.All;
            exchangeService.Url = new Uri(url);
            Item item = null;
                item = this.GetEmail(mailID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string a;
            return item;
public Item GetEmail(string mailID)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailID))
                Logger.ErrorLog("GetEmail: mailID =" + mailID);
                ItemId itemID = new ItemId(mailID);
                Item emailItem = Item.Bind(exchangeService, itemID);
                emailItem.Load(new PropertySet(Exchange.BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties, ItemSchema.MimeContent));
                return emailItem;
                throw new Exception("mailID is null or empty");

I get the following exception:


"The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."}


on  Item emailItem = Item.Bind(exchangeService, itemID); in the GetEmail function.  How do I properly retrieve tokens in JS in the mailbox to create a EWS Managed API ExchangeServices?

Thank, Hilda

  • Edited by hlee Thursday, March 06, 2014 7:23 AM
March 6th, 2014 7:12am

I've been bashing my head for a week trying to get this to work.  Looking forward to a workable solution.
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May 29th, 2014 1:49pm

This was helpful:

First: Your you have to have ReadWriteMailbox permissions set in your XML.
Second: You have to make the extended Exchange call from within your JS in your web app since the UserIdentityToken has the web address encoded within it as the only authorized response URI.

May 29th, 2014 4:36pm

Ok, I got it to work with "getCallbackTokenAsync".  Use the token that this function delivers and attach to Exchange services with it like so... (I persist the token I receive for all future communications in a global var)

    ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013)
        Credentials = new OAuthCredentials(in.cnxToken),
        Url = new Uri(in.uriEws)
    ItemId itemID = new ItemId(in.itemId);
    message = Item.Bind(service, itemID);
catch (Exception ex)
    eaResp.status = "Error: Exchange GetItem failed.\n" + ex.Message.ToString();
    return eaResp;

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May 30th, 2014 1:32am

If the token obtained is expired how would you go about refreshing it?
April 20th, 2015 3:33pm

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