I wanted to use the EWS Managed API in my Office Mail App. I would like to obtain the credential from the mailbox in JS and then pass it to the code behind to create the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService object. I was able to create the object if I use the WebCredential with username and password, but I would like to use the credential in the mailbox, so I don't have to ask the user for username and password again. I saw that there is an identitytoken available in JS
Office.initialize = function () { // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready function. $(document).ready(function () { // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run. _mailbox = Office.context.mailbox; _mailbox.getUserIdentityTokenAsync(getUserIdentityTokenCallback); _Item = _mailbox.item; $(mailID).val(_Item.itemId); $(url).val(_mailbox.ewsUrl); }); } function getUserIdentityTokenCallback(asyncResult) { $(token).val(asyncResult.value); }
so, I tried to use this token to create the ExchangeService object and get the mail item like below.
public Item Test(string email, string token, string mailID, string url) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = CertificateValidationCallBack; exchangeService = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_SP1); exchangeService.Credentials = new TokenCredentials(token); exchangeService.TraceEnabled = true; exchangeService.TraceFlags = TraceFlags.All; exchangeService.Url = new Uri(url); Item item = null; try { item = this.GetEmail(mailID); } catch (Exception ex) { string a; } return item; } public Item GetEmail(string mailID) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailID)) { Logger.ErrorLog("GetEmail: mailID =" + mailID); ItemId itemID = new ItemId(mailID); Item emailItem = Item.Bind(exchangeService, itemID); emailItem.Load(new PropertySet(Exchange.BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties, ItemSchema.MimeContent)); return emailItem; } else { throw new Exception("mailID is null or empty"); } }
I get the following exception:
"The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."}
on Item emailItem = Item.Bind(exchangeService, itemID); in the GetEmail function. How do I properly retrieve tokens in JS in the mailbox to create a EWS Managed API ExchangeServices?
Thank, Hilda
- Edited by hlee Thursday, March 06, 2014 7:23 AM