Hub Transport and messages
Hi I had a query about Exchange 2007 I was hoping someone could help with.Lets say I was running 2007 with each role on a different server. A user on Mailbox Server A sends an email to a user on Mailbox Server B. This need to go via the Hub Transport server. So Outlook sends the message, this travels via MAPI to the Mailbox server. The Hub Transport then picks this up and sends to Mailbox Server B. Question: How does the Hub Transport pick the mail? Does it routinely poll the Exchange Mailbox server to find out if there are new messages? Or does the Exchange Mailbox server sends a UDP type notification to notify the Hub Transport?
February 19th, 2010 3:49pm
Hi,PLease check the below link for the routing architecture in exchnage 2007.
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February 19th, 2010 3:56pm
Thanks, but the link doesn't actually answer the question as below?Question: How does the Hub Transport pick the mail? Does it routinely poll the Exchange Mailbox server to find out if there are new messages? Or does the Exchange Mailbox server sends a UDP type notification to notify the Hub Transport?
February 22nd, 2010 9:42pm
Messages sent by a mailbox user enter the transport pipeline when they reach the sender’s outbox. The store driver on the Hub Transport retrieves it from the user’s Outbox and then transfers it to the submission queue. After the message has been successfully added to the submission queue, it is moved from the sender’s Outbox to the sender’s Sent Items. Messages are stored in MAPI format and must be converted to Summary Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (S/TNEF) before being placed in the Submission Queue. This conversion is the job of the store driver, too. If this conversion is unsuccessful, a non-delivery report (NDR) is generated. This confirms that the store driver constantly looks for mails on the mail store and once found, picks it up and puts in the submission queue.
Fred Chamanara @
Advanced Agile Technology LLC
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February 22nd, 2010 10:58pm