Hybrid deployment mailbox synchronization question

Hello, I was told to post over here for some web.config file help in my new active directory account creation/ exchange mailboxes.  Here is my issue:

So, we have our faculty and staff on-premise and our students getting setup with office365 accounts.  Our students get created in active directory and then Azure Directory Sync syncs that user account to office365.  Then a license is applied to that user to get a mailbox on office365.  However, the user doesn't show up in both the on-premise mailbox list it only shows in the office365 mailboxes.  This means that when you are on the on-premise accounts webmail or outlook you cannot find that office365 user in the GAL.    However, if I run the command Enable-RemoteMailbox -Identity "user" -RemoteRoutingAddress "email" on the on-premise server the user then shows up as an office365 mailbox and then works in the GAL.  But, I cannot justify running this command on every single student account that gets created on office365 so there must be a better way.... Can anyone point me in the direction of what I may be doing wrong in my hybrid setup?   

I'm hoping I can add some something to my web.config file to add what I need for each user creation to automate this so I don't have to manually go in and do it.  Here is my web.config file with my domain name, username, and passwords edit out.

<!--Email Settings Start-->
    <!--Required Keys: [Username][ResetPassword]-->
    <add key="ResetPwdEmailSubject" value="Your domain Account Password."/>
    <add key="ResetPwdEmailBody" value="Please return to &lt;a href=http://domain.net&gt;http://domain.net&lt;/a&gt; and log in using the following password:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Password: [ResetPassword]&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;"/>
    <add key="GeneratePwdLength" value="7"/>
    <add key="EmailResetFailError" value="The email address provided does not match the alternate address listed for your account.  Please try password reset option #1."/>
    <!--Reset Password Email Settings End-->
    <add key="Domain" value="(domain Controller).net"/>
    <add key="ADStudentsPath" value="OU=fall10,OU=fall10,OU=Students,DC=,DC=net"/>
    <add key="ADEmployeesPath" value="OU=Employees,DC=,DC=net"/>
    <add key="ADGroupsPath" value="OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=net"/>
    <!-- GD 20120606 <add key="ADProfilePath" value="\\student\student\profile\"/>-->
    <add key="ADProfilePath" value="\\fs-01\student\newprofile\"/>
    <!--User to perform functions-->
    <!--<add key="ADUser" value="Custom_User@test.net"/>
    <add key="ADPassword" value="pwd!"/>-->
    <add key="ADUser" value="aduser" />
    <add key="ADPassword" value="#pwd" />
    <!--<add key="ExchangeURI" value="https://mail01.domain.net/Powershell?serializationLevel=Full"/>
    <add key="ExchangeDomain" value="domain.net"/>
    <add key="ExchangeOU" value="domain.net/Students/fall10/fall10"/>
    <add key="ExchangeDatabase" value="Students"/>
    <add key="ExchangeUser" value="Custom_User@domain.net"/>
    <add key="ExchangePassword" value="#pwd"/>-->

    <!--Office 365 Settings Start-->
    <add key="365TargetDomain" value="manhattantech.onmicrosoft.com"/>
    <add key="365Domain" value="domain.net"/>
    <add key="365pSMTPproxy" value="domain.edu"/>
    <add key="365ssmtpproxy" value="domain.net"/>
    <add key="s365showInAddressBook1" value="CN=Default Global Address List,CN=All Global Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=domain,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=net"/>
    <add key="s365showInAddressBook2" value="CN=All Users,CN=All Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=domain,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=net"/>
    <!--Office 365 Settings End-->

July 14th, 2015 8:59am

Is this your web.config for on-premise Outlook Web App, or a custom app?
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July 15th, 2015 10:45am

hello, this is our web.config for the custom web app that sets up the new user accounts.  I also found this SQL script as part of the new user creation.  

July 15th, 2015 10:49am

hello, this is our web.config for the custom web app that sets up the new user accounts.  I also found this SQL script as part of the new user creation.  

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July 15th, 2015 10:49am

Hello, I got off the phone with microsoft support and they said the only way to do it is to manually run the enable-remote mailbox command on every user account that gets created in AD and synced of O365 to get the attributes to add in AD to have them show up in the GAL.  Can anyone help me write a script to automate this?  I'm not sure how to do that since the name and remote routing address changes in the powershell command everytime...
July 16th, 2015 5:10pm

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