Hmm, we use a product called jenzebar for our online student portal where they are entering information which then creates the active directory account. This was customized by a web team here in town so maybe I need to reach out to them. I did
find this in the web config file where this happens. I edited out some info that pertains to our domain... Still don't see where we could really add this here?
<!--Email Settings Start-->
<!--Required Keys: [Username][ResetPassword]-->
<add key="ResetPwdEmailSubject" value="Your domain Account Password."/>
<add key="ResetPwdEmailBody" value="Please return to <a href=></a> and log in using the following password:<br /><br />Password: [ResetPassword]<br
/><br />"/>
<add key="GeneratePwdLength" value="7"/>
<add key="EmailResetFailError" value="The email address provided does not match the alternate address listed for your account. Please try password reset option #1."/>
<!--Reset Password Email Settings End-->
<add key="Domain" value="(domain Controller).net"/>
<add key="ADStudentsPath" value="OU=fall10,OU=fall10,OU=Students,DC=,DC=net"/>
<add key="ADEmployeesPath" value="OU=Employees,DC=,DC=net"/>
<add key="ADGroupsPath" value="OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=net"/>
<!-- GD 20120606 <add key="ADProfilePath" value="\\student\student\profile\"/>-->
<add key="ADProfilePath" value="\\fs-01\student\newprofile\"/>
<!--User to perform functions-->
<!--<add key="ADUser" value=""/>
<add key="ADPassword" value="pwd!"/>-->
<add key="ADUser" value="aduser" />
<add key="ADPassword" value="#pwd" />
<!--<add key="ExchangeURI" value=""/>
<add key="ExchangeDomain" value=""/>
<add key="ExchangeOU" value=""/>
<add key="ExchangeDatabase" value="Students"/>
<add key="ExchangeUser" value=""/>
<add key="ExchangePassword" value="#pwd"/>-->
<!--Office 365 Settings Start-->
<add key="365TargetDomain" value=""/>
<add key="365Domain" value=""/>
<add key="365pSMTPproxy" value=""/>
<add key="365ssmtpproxy" value=""/>
<add key="s365showInAddressBook1" value="CN=Default Global Address List,CN=All Global Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=domain,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=net"/>
<add key="s365showInAddressBook2" value="CN=All Users,CN=All Address Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=domain,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=net"/>
<!--Office 365 Settings End-->