I am trying to follow an example of a simple IF statement which pulls numbers from a table in an adjoining spreadsheet into another table. The precise instructions are "=IF(LeadTimeTable[@Type]="Feature";LeadTimeTable[@LeadTime];NA())". But, instead of pulling in the content, or numbers, from the LeadTimeTable, Excel displays the text "LeadTimeTable[@LeadTime]". I am trying to re-construct an example of a control chart using instructions from http://hakanforss.wordpress.com/2011/06/23/control-chart-how-to-create-one-in-excel-2010/ . The example uses 28 steps to demonstrate how to build a control chart. I am stuck on step 17. I believe the formula entered above is to blame. I have tried contacting the author, but have not heard back from him or her as yet. Suggestions are welcome.
Doug in Y