I'm a Microsoft Dynamics GP consultant who is trying to incorporate If-Then logic in the Word template functionality, to have a logo print on the Check Remittance based on the Checkbook ID of the checks cut.
The "CheckbookID" field serves as a bookmark. So, the following is my syntax:
{IF { REF CheckbookID } = "ACBRTCDISC" { IncludePicture L:\\GP Templates\\RTC Logo_090513PM.png } { IncludePicture L:\\GP Templates\\PCI Logo_090513PM.png }}
This If-Then field produces the phrase "REF" on my Word document. When I generate the Word template out of GP, it only says "REF". It does not give me any data. How can I get this fixed?
Thanks! Much appreciated!
- Moved by Fei Xue - MSFTMicrosoft contingent staff 4 hours 26 minutes ago