As per the information and details provided by you, to solve the issue of Outlook 2010, please follow these steps: -
1. Click Start > Run > type regedit.exe > Enter.
2. Locate the following registry subkey:
Office 2010
3. In the right side window, double-click
OutlookSecureTempFolder. Verify whether the folder noted, is valid. You can copy and paste the folder path in Windows Explorer to verify this.
If you do not see the OutlookSecureTempFolder entry, go to the next step.
If the folder does not exist on your computer, change the
OutlookSecureTempFolder value to a valid folder path, for example
4. If the OutlookSecureTempFolder registry entry does not exist, you must create it manually. To do this, follow these steps: -
Right click an empty area, point to
New > String Value.
Double click OutlookSecureTempFolder, and then enter a valid folder path, for example
5. Restart Outlook.
I hope this information will be helpful for you.
Thanks and regards
Edited by
14 minutes ago