Importing PST -IncludeFolders switch not working
Hello, I have been beating my head on the table for a week now trying to resolve this issue. We are trying to use the -IncludeFolder switch when importing, lets say Calendars out of a PST.
Exchange 2007 SP1 rollup 2
Exchange 2007 Management tools SP1 rollup 2
I searched and can't find anyone having this type of issue.
Code Snippet
[PS] C:\>Import-Mailbox -Identity test -PSTFolderPath c:\psts -IncludeFolders '\Contacts'
ConfirmAre you sure you want to perform this action?Importing mailbox content from .pst file 'c:\psts\test.pst' to mailbox 'test'. This operationmay take a long time to complete.[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): aImport-Mailbox : MapiExceptionInvalidParameter: Unable to make connection to the server. (hr=0x80070057, ec=-2147024809)Diagnostic context: Lid: 23234 Lid: 27970 StoreEc: 0x80070057 Lid: 17730 Lid: 25922 StoreEc: 0x80070057At line:1 char:15+ Import-Mailbox <<<< -Identity test -PSTFolderPath c:\psts -IncludeFolders '\Contacts'
Identity : : CN=test,OU=Users,OU=Heli-Wiki,DC=BLAHBLAH,DC=netDisplayName : testAlias : testLegacyExchangeDN : /o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FY DIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=testPrimarySmtpAddress : test@BLAHBLAH.netSourceServer :SourceDatabase : HMSMAIL02\First Storage Group\Mailbox DatabaseSourceGlobalCatalog : HELO01SourceDomainController :TargetGlobalCatalog : HELO01TargetDomainController :TargetMailbox :TargetServer : BLAHmail02.BLAHBLAH.netTargetDatabase : HMSMAIL02\First Storage Group\Mailbox DatabaseMailboxSize : 761KBIsResourceMailbox :SIDUsedInMatch :SMTPProxies :SourceManager :SourceDirectReports :SourcePublicDelegates :SourcePublicDelegatesBL :SourceAltRecipient :SourceAltRecipientBL :SourceDeliverAndRedirect :MatchedTargetNTAccountDN :IsMatchedNTAccountMailboxEnabled :MatchedContactsDNList :TargetNTAccountDNToCreate :TargetManager :TargetDirectReports :TargetPublicDelegates :TargetPublicDelegatesBL :TargetAltRecipient :TargetAltRecipientBL :TargetDeliverAndRedirect :Options : IncludeAssociatedMessagesSourceForestCredential :TargetForestCredential :TargetFolder :PSTFilePath : c:\psts\test.pstRsgMailboxGuid :RsgMailboxLegacyExchangeDN :RsgMailboxDisplayName :RsgDatabaseGuid :StandardMessagesDeleted : 0AssociatedMessagesDeleted : 0DumpsterMessagesDeleted : 0MoveType : ImportMoveStage : InitializationStartTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AMEndTime : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AMStatusCode : -2147467259StatusMessage : MapiExceptionInvalidParameter: Unable to make connection t o the server. (hr=0x80070057, ec=-2147024809) Diagnostic context: Lid: 23234 Lid: 27970 StoreEc: 0x80070057 Lid: 17730 Lid: 25922 StoreEc: 0x80070057ReportFile : C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Logging\Migrati onLogs\import-Mailbox20080518-111044-8712568.xml
But if I remove the switch it imports the pst fine.
Code Snippet
[PS] C:\>Import-Mailbox -Identity test -PSTFolderPath c:\psts
ConfirmAre you sure you want to perform this action?Importing mailbox content from .pst file 'c:\psts\test.pst' to mailbox 'test'. This operationmay take a long time to complete.[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): a
Identity : BLAHBLAHnet/Heli-Wiki/Users/testDistinguishedName : CN=test,OU=Users,OU=Heli-Wiki,DC=BLAHBLAH,DC=netDisplayName : testAlias : testLegacyExchangeDN : /o=First Organization/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FY DIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=testPrimarySmtpAddress : test@BLAHBLAH.netSourceServer :SourceDatabase : HMSMAIL02\First Storage Group\Mailbox DatabaseSourceGlobalCatalog : BLAH01SourceDomainController :TargetGlobalCatalog : BLAH01TargetDomainController :TargetMailbox :TargetServer : BLAHmail02.BLAHBLAH.netTargetDatabase : BLAHMAIL02\First Storage Group\Mailbox DatabaseMailboxSize : 761KBIsResourceMailbox : FalseSIDUsedInMatch :SMTPProxies :SourceManager :SourceDirectReports :SourcePublicDelegates :SourcePublicDelegatesBL :SourceAltRecipient :SourceAltRecipientBL :SourceDeliverAndRedirect :MatchedTargetNTAccountDN :IsMatchedNTAccountMailboxEnabled :MatchedContactsDNList :TargetNTAccountDNToCreate :TargetManager :TargetDirectReports :TargetPublicDelegates :TargetPublicDelegatesBL :TargetAltRecipient :TargetAltRecipientBL :TargetDeliverAndRedirect :Options : IncludeAssociatedMessagesSourceForestCredential :TargetForestCredential :TargetFolder :PSTFilePath : c:\psts\test.pstRsgMailboxGuid :RsgMailboxLegacyExchangeDN :RsgMailboxDisplayName :RsgDatabaseGuid :StandardMessagesDeleted : 0AssociatedMessagesDeleted : 0DumpsterMessagesDeleted : 0MoveType : ImportMoveStage : CompletedStartTime : 5/18/2008 11:22:28 AMEndTime : 5/18/2008 11:22:36 AMStatusCode : 0StatusMessage : This PST file has been imported to the mailbox.ReportFile : C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Logging\Migrati onLogs\import-Mailbox20080518-112225-9748969.xml
May 18th, 2008 6:24pm
What is the format of PST (ANSI or Unicode) & how is it created?
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May 18th, 2008 7:30pm
It was exported using Outlook 2003 SP3 export (Unicode).
Ihave ran C:\>Export-Mailbox -Identity test -PSTFolderPath c:\psts this supposedlyfixes the structure of the pst. But then again I can import the whole pst just fine. The correct folders show up..ext Mail/Calender/Contacts/Task...subfolders.
I just get that error Import-Mailbox : MapiExceptionInvalidParameter: Unable to make connection to the server when I tag anything with the -IncludeFolders switch.
I have also built two total different test enviroments and this happens in both.
May 18th, 2008 7:46pm
Well, import/export-mailbox can handle both kind of PSTs but not sure whats the wrong with IncludeFolders switch.
Our mate Alexander has given a way to use ExMerge in Exchange 2007, thanks to him. You may take a look
Using ExMerge with Exchange 2007
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May 19th, 2008 2:46am
This has been reported asa bug (bug id:135150)and it would be fixed in the SP1 RU3.
Since SP1 RU3 has not been published, you may have to wait for it.
Thanks for your coorporation.
Best regards,
May 19th, 2008 11:54am
Great, Thanks for the update Xiu
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May 19th, 2008 2:41pm
Thanks guys for your input.At least nowI know its a bug. I will try to contact MS today see what info I can get. I will keep you updated.
May 19th, 2008 4:48pm
Problem solved we had to call PSS. They set us up with a patch that will be included with Rollup 3.
This is only for a 32 bit system so you must install theE2k7 32 bit management tools on a workstation and you must have Outlook 2007 installed.
You must also upgrade to SP1 RU1.
Please see more detail below.
After data is imported you must log onto the mailbox and run:
Outlook /CleanFreeBusy and Outlook /resetfolders
Use the 32 bit SN.exe version!
You need to have Sp1 RU1 installed on the client computer for this patch.
Import-Mailbox requires Outlook is installed on the machine it runs on.
Files in drop:
Steps to apply the Interim Update:
Run sn.exe -Vr * to disable strong name verification.
Run sn.exe -Vl to verify that strong name verification is disabled.
Run the MSP file to install the Interim Update on the system. If there are multiple MSP files in the drop, run the MSP file corresponding to the architecture and language of the Exchange 2007 installation. e.g. If you are running the x64 and English version of Exchange 2007, select the file Exchange2007-KBXXXXXX-x64-EN.msp to install the Interim Update.
Steps to remove the Interim Update:
Uninstall Interim Update for Exchange 2007 (KB947360) from Add/Remove programs.
Run sn.exe -Vu * to enable strong name verification.
Run sn.exe -Vl to verify that strong name verification is enabled.
Note: This Interim Update is only for Update Rollup 1 for Exchange 2007 SP1 (KB945684). This Interim Update cannot be applied if Update Rollup 1 for Exchange 2007 SP1 (KB945684) is not the most recent Update Rollup installed on the server.
Note: Only one Interim Update can be run on a server at a time. The customer must remove any other Exchange Server 2007 Interim Update before installing this Interim Update. If the customer requires multiple Interim Update fixes, these Interim Update fixes must be in a single Interim Update package.
Note: The Strong Name tool (sn.exe) must be present to configure the system to skip strong name verification before installing the Interim Update package. In order to obtain the tool, the customer should install the .NET framework 2.0 SDK. The version of the SDK should be the same as the version of the Operating System. E.g. if the customer is running Windows Server 2003 x64 edition, then they need to install the x64 version of the SDK.
Note: Strong named signing verification must not be enabled if an Interim Update is present on the server.
Note: The customer must remove this Interim Update package before installing any Exchange Server 2007 official rollup releases.
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May 22nd, 2008 12:55am
Thanks for yours sharing!
May 22nd, 2008 4:08am