I have in-place archive disabled. When I re-enabled it, it required setting the archive database again and I was not getting the original in-place archive. Is there way to get back the previously archived emails?
If the disabled archive still exists in the database, you can reconnect it to the primary mailbox.
Enable-mailbox -identity <alias of user> -ArchiveGUID <archiveMailboxGuid> -ArchiveDatabase <archiveDB> -Archive
You can get the archive quid by searching the database with get-mailboxstatistics.
Also, is there any license limitation in using in-place archive? Or I can just enable in-place archive for all users?
In theory, search-mailbox would be one option to do that, but I dont know if you can search against a mailbox and also make it the target of the results to move them ( and then delete the items in the archive)
The Online archive ( and any custom retention/ archive policies) require Enterprise CALs
I agree with andy. In-Place Archiving is a premium feature and requires an Exchange Enterprise client access license (CAL).I will add some related information.
Based on my knowledge,we can't move directly the emails in place archieve back to the previous folder.
I suggest you can export the items to pst file from Archive mailbox and import them.
you can refer to the below article to execute it : https://support.office.com/en-ca/article/Export-Outlook-items-to-an-Outlook-Data-File-pst-14252b52-3075-4e9b-be4e-ff9ef1068f91
For detailed information about in-place archiving, please refer to :
- Edited by David Wang_Microsoft contingent staff 4 hours 4 minutes ago