New Exchange 2013 on Windows Server 2008 R2, in coexistence with Exchange 2007 on Windows Server 2003.
Except for one test mailbox, all mailboxes are still on Exchange 2007.
Virtual directories are redirected to Exchange 2013, with legacy dns name directed to Exchange 2007, and OWA/ActiveSync are working fine.
Mail flow from the internet is still directed to Exchange 2007 and is fine.
But mail flow is not working on Exchange 2013. Using OWA with the test mailbox, emails are stuck in the drafts folder. Emails from a mailbox on Exchange 2007 are received by the frontend transport service, but fails on the transport service with this error
( is the address of Exchange 2013 server, and HV-SRV-EXCH-02 is its name):
MSExchangeTransport - 1035 - SmtpReceive
Inbound authentication failed with error UnexpectedExchangeAuthBlob for Receive connector Default HV-SRV-EXCH-02. The authentication mechanism is ExchangeAuth. The source IP address of the client who tried to authenticate to Microsoft Exchange is [].
Certificate is signed by an enterprise CA, and contains public domain names, with the NetBIOS and fqdn names :, OU=xxx.......",Certificate subject
"CN=vsg-HV-SRV-CA-02-CA, DC=vsg, DC=qc, DC=ca",Certificate issuer name;;;;;HV-SRV-EXCH-02,Certificate alternate names
Clocks are in sync (both Exchange servers, and domain controllers)
SPNs seem ok :
setspn -L hv-srv-exch-02 | find /I "smtp"
DNS servers are set manually in ECP, and on the TransportService and FrontEndTransportService. I also added the IP and hostnames (NetBIOS and fqdn) of both Exchange servers in the hosts file
I used Kerberos debug log to check for errors, and all I got is this, which seems fine :
A Kerberos Error Message was received:
on logon session VSG.QC.CA\hv-srv-exch-02$
Example logs for the same session, sending an email from a mailbox in Exchange 2007, to the test mailbox in Exchange 2013
From the FrontEnd receive log (hv-srv-exch-01 is the Exchange 2007 server) :
2015-05-06T12:25:40.535Z,HV-SRV-EXCH-02\Default Frontend HV-SRV-EXCH-02,08D2555C60FC73C7,46,,,<,X-EXPS EXCHANGEAUTH,
2015-05-06T12:25:40.535Z,HV-SRV-EXCH-02\Default Frontend HV-SRV-EXCH-02,08D2555C60FC73C7,47,,,*,SMTPSubmit SMTPSubmitForMLS SMTPAcceptAnyRecipient SMTPAcceptAuthenticationFlag SMTPAcceptAnySender SMTPAcceptAuthoritativeDomainSender
BypassAntiSpam BypassMessageSizeLimit SMTPSendEXCH50 SMTPAcceptEXCH50 AcceptRoutingHeaders AcceptForestHeaders AcceptOrganizationHeaders SendRoutingHeaders SendForestHeaders SendOrganizationHeaders SendAs SMTPSendXShadow SMTPAcceptXShadow SMTPAcceptXProxyFrom
SMTPAcceptXSessionParams SMTPAcceptXMessageContextADRecipientCache SMTPAcceptXMessageContextExtendedProperties SMTPAcceptXMessageContextFastIndex SMTPAcceptXAttr SMTPAcceptXSysProbe,Set Session Permissions
2015-05-06T12:25:40.535Z,HV-SRV-EXCH-02\Default Frontend HV-SRV-EXCH-02,08D2555C60FC73C7,48,,,*,VSTGEORGES\HV-SRV-EXCH-01$,authenticated
2015-05-06T12:25:40.535Z,HV-SRV-EXCH-02\Default Frontend HV-SRV-EXCH-02,08D2555C60FC73C7,49,,,>,235 <authentication response>,
From the FrontEnd Send log :
2015-05-06T12:25:45.558Z,Inbound Proxy Internal Send Connector,08D2555C60FC73C8,51,,,>,X-EXPS EXCHANGEAUTH SHA256 ,
2015-05-06T12:25:45.558Z,Inbound Proxy Internal Send Connector,08D2555C60FC73C8,52,,,>,<Binary Data>,
2015-05-06T12:25:50.566Z,Inbound Proxy Internal Send Connector,08D2555C60FC73C8,53,,,<,454 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure,
2015-05-06T12:25:50.566Z,Inbound Proxy Internal Send Connector,08D2555C60FC73C8,54,,,>,QUIT,
And from the Hub Receive log :
2015-05-06T12:25:45.558Z,HV-SRV-EXCH-02\Default HV-SRV-EXCH-02,08D2555EA1F7C246,51,,,<,X-EXPS EXCHANGEAUTH,
2015-05-06T12:25:45.558Z,HV-SRV-EXCH-02\Default HV-SRV-EXCH-02,08D2555EA1F7C246,52,,,*,,Inbound ExchangeAuth negotiation failed because of UnexpectedExchangeAuthBlob
2015-05-06T12:25:45.558Z,HV-SRV-EXCH-02\Default HV-SRV-EXCH-02,08D2555EA1F7C246,53,,,*,,User Name: NULL
2015-05-06T12:25:45.558Z,HV-SRV-EXCH-02\Default HV-SRV-EXCH-02,08D2555EA1F7C246,54,,,*,Tarpit for '0.00:00:05' due to '454 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure',
2015-05-06T12:25:50.566Z,HV-SRV-EXCH-02\Default HV-SRV-EXCH-02,08D2555EA1F7C246,55,,,>,454 4.7.0 Temporary authentication failure,
2015-05-06T12:25:50.566Z,HV-SRV-EXCH-02\Default HV-SRV-EXCH-02,08D2555EA1F7C246,56,,,-,,Local