Inbox (1) but no Unread Mail?
Hey everyone,Got a problem with a few users saying that Outlook is indicating they have an unread mail by showing "Inbox (1)" even though there are no unread mail in their inbox... I have tried TweakUI to repair the mail count but that didn't work...Any advice?Cheers,James
July 25th, 2007 3:16am

If you have an Exchange server and if the mail is on the Exchange server, TweakUI will have no effect on what shows up on the Inbox. Can you tell Outlook to only view unread messages? I had this happen one time and I had to move the mailbox to another server to fix it. Alternately, you could dismount the Exchange database and run ISINTEG -fix -test alltests and try and repair the entire database.
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July 27th, 2007 8:40am

It seemed to happen because we were moving the mailbox from one server to another. I'll try your suggestion.Cheers
July 27th, 2007 8:43am

Hi, I am using outlook 2007 (no excahnge server, just POP with my ISP) and have a similar symptom. What happens is that new incoming email ONLY appears in the "unread email" folder but NOT in the inbox. If I then read the message in the unread email folder it will "pop" back into the inbox. This is very annoying and I certainly would be interested in understanding if there is a solution to fix this. Note that this does not happen to all messages some some (random?) selection of them. I am used to now checking the unread mail folder to make sure I have gotten all my email, but that is a really silly workaround. Thanks, mike
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August 12th, 2007 4:16am

ISINTEG usually solve this unread count missmatch. Not that I have seen this in many years though. Could also be that users have a filter applied, not showing all mail in the folder. Is it the same unread count problem when using OWA?
August 12th, 2007 11:18am

I know this is a very old thread, but just posting a reply in case it helps others because I had a user with exact same issue and it was resolved. The problem appeared on several folders after the user moved those folders around. Eventhough all the emails were read, it was still showing number beside it and the folder name was bolded as if those emails are unread. I had tested with a new mail profile on Outlook 2007 and still had the same issue. Checked those folders in OWA, and noticed that they weren't showing as "Unread" in there. So, it was Outlook related only. Checked the properties of those affected folders from Outlook. On the General tab of the properties window, the option was set to "Show total number of items". Changed the option to "Show number of unread items" and the issue is resolved. Not sure how this setting got changed on its own after moving the folders (within the same mailbox), but its working the way the user expected. Hope that helps... Pman
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August 8th, 2011 11:41am

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