Installation MS Exchange 2013 Failed


Today I make a fresh install of the windows server 2012 STD, installed differents roles et promote my server like Domain controller.

After, I installed MS Exchange 2013 STD on this server with following procedure and I encountered the following error during setup progress (installation GUI).

Erreur :
L'erreur suivante est survenue lors de l'excution de "$error.Clear();
          install-MsiPackage `
          -PackagePath ($RoleInstallPath + "TransportRoles\agents\Hygiene\ASEntIRS.MSI") `
          -LogFile ($RoleSetupLoggingPath + "\InstallASEntIRS.msilog") `
          -PropertyValues ("ALLUSERS=1") `
          -UpdatesDir $RoleUpdatesDir
        " : "chec de l'installation du produit D:\Donnees Entreprise\Messagerie\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\agents\Hygiene\ASEntIRS.MSI . Erreur irrcuprable lors de linstallation. Le code d'erreur est 1603.".

I uninstall MS Exchange, demote DC and delete the folders created during exchange install and reboot.

After, I promote, reinstall exchange and I have a same error. I verify that the IP V6 is enable, I downloaded the source installation a second time (from MVLS), verify that my computer account is member of the exchange admin group...

Could you help me please because I have not got any solution?

Thanks and kind regards


February 19th, 2014 9:37am


Today I make a fresh install of the windows server 2012 STD, installed differents roles et promote my server like Domain controller.

After, I installed MS Exchange 2013 STD on this server with following procedure and I encountered the following error during setup progress (installation GUI).

Erreur :
L'erreur suivante est survenue lors de l'excution de "$error.Clear();
          install-MsiPackage `
          -PackagePath ($RoleInstallPath + "TransportRoles\agents\Hygiene\ASEntIRS.MSI") `
          -LogFile ($RoleSetupLoggingPath + "\InstallASEntIRS.msilog") `
          -PropertyValues ("ALLUSERS=1") `
          -UpdatesDir $RoleUpdatesDir
        " : "chec de l'installation du produit D:\Donnees Entreprise\Messagerie\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\agents\Hygiene\ASEntIRS.MSI . Erreur irrcuprable lors de linstallation. Le code d'erreur est 1603.".

I uninstall MS Exchange, demote DC and delete the folders created during exchange install and reboot.

After, I promote, reinstall exchange and I have a same error. I verify that the IP V6 is enable, I downloaded the source installation a second time (from MVLS), verify that my computer account is member of the exchange admin group...

Could you help me please because I have not got any solution?

Thanks and kind regards


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February 19th, 2014 9:40am

I've found the Exchange 2013 install is very picky.  Try running the install from an elevated command prompt.  Here's a link to the command line options.

February 19th, 2014 9:43am

The Exchange builds on MVLS is usually old so instead of using that one, download CU3 from Microsoft Download and use that one during setup (Yes, its a full build)

Cumulative Update 3 for Exchange Server 2013
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 19th, 2014 12:57pm


Thanks for your answers and the link. In fact, my problem was the installation path ("D:\Enterprise Data\Messaging\Microsoft\Exchange\V15"). After cleaning objects in AD and launch the new installation in "D:\Exchange" folder, the problem was resolved.

Thanks for your assistance.

Kind Regards

February 20th, 2014 4:19am

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that you were able to solve your problem
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 20th, 2014 4:20am

Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that you were able to solve your problem
February 20th, 2014 4:20am

Hi Guillaume,

Thanks for your response. It's great to hear the good news.

By the way, it is not recommended to install Exchange server on a domain controller.

If you have any problem with Exchange, welcome to our forum.

Best regards,

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 20th, 2014 4:24am

Hi Amy,

Do you thing that I uninstall the fresh MS exchange to this Domain Controller and reinstall for example into guest hyper-V ? My company contains only 10 employed, and in the past we have a small business server configuration (DC and Exchange server on the same machine).

Indeed, the technet site not recommanded to install exchange on the DC.

Thanks for your advise.

Kind regards


February 20th, 2014 4:56am

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