Today I make a fresh install of the windows server 2012 STD, installed differents roles et promote my server like Domain controller.
After, I installed MS Exchange 2013 STD on this server with following procedure https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/14506.how-to-install-exchange-2013-on-windows-server-2012.aspx and I encountered the following error during setup progress (installation GUI).
Erreur :
L'erreur suivante est survenue lors de l'excution de "$error.Clear();
install-MsiPackage `
-PackagePath ($RoleInstallPath + "TransportRoles\agents\Hygiene\ASEntIRS.MSI") `
-LogFile ($RoleSetupLoggingPath + "\InstallASEntIRS.msilog") `
-PropertyValues ("ALLUSERS=1") `
-UpdatesDir $RoleUpdatesDir
" : "chec de l'installation du produit D:\Donnees Entreprise\Messagerie\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\agents\Hygiene\ASEntIRS.MSI . Erreur irrcuprable lors de linstallation. Le code
d'erreur est 1603.".
I uninstall MS Exchange, demote DC and delete the folders created during exchange install and reboot.
After, I promote, reinstall exchange and I have a same error. I verify that the IP V6 is enable, I downloaded the source installation a second time (from MVLS), verify that my computer account is member of the exchange admin group...
Could you help me please because I have not got any solution?
Thanks and kind regards
- Merged by cara chenMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator 2 hours 54 minutes ago repeated