Installing a second exchange server in branch office
I have one exchange 2003 server in the main office. I want to install another exchange 2003 server in the branch office and move some mailboxes over. The 2 office is connected by a lease line. Can anyone tell me what configuration needs to be done on both servers? Thanks.
October 28th, 2008 12:52pm
Hello,First of all install Second Exchange server in your existing Exchange Organization and then move mailboxes from main office to brance office Exchange server.See how to mailbox Moving mailboxes in Exchange Server 2003 Moving Mailboxes with the Exchange 2003 Move Mailbox Wizard on MSExchange.orgThanks
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October 28th, 2008 7:48pm
I see. So no extra configuration needs to be done.Thanks
October 29th, 2008 5:35pm