Internet Mail Receive Broken
OK, I have an Microsoft SBS 2008 installation running Exchange. Local Mail send and receive is running fine between all clients. Internet Mail receive shutdown about 15 days ago. Send works fine. Obviously, something changed, but I am not sure
what. I have run the BP Scan tool and it says all is well. This has happened a couple of times before when bellsouth/AT&T changed my static IP without warning, but that is not the issue this time. Clients and server all have internet browsing access with
DHCP running off the server. We do run our internet mail through a 3rd party server MXToolbox. All is well on their side as well, but their server can no longer send to our server. (all ports closed) I turned the MS Server firewall off and that has not made
any difference. I have also confirmed that no settings have changed on my router. The router did have a firmware upgrade in the interim, but I had another without the upgrade and plugged it in and there was no change.
Port 25 appears to be closed, but I do not know what to do to open it. I have created a NAT pinhole for mail on port 25 at the router firewall. I have also tried turning the server firewall off. I have also checked the SMTP Exchange connectors;
I even created new ones just to see if that helped.
Any help would be appreciated. I am completely out of potential solutions on this end.
May 20th, 2010 10:01pm
Open a command prompt on one of your PCs. Type: telnet yourSBSservername 25
Does anything respond?
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May 20th, 2010 11:13pm
Telnet from internal client computer:
220 SALTERSERVER.salterlaw.local Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Thu, 20 M
ay 2010 17:22:01 -0400
Telnet from same client to router static IP:
Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 25:
Connect failed
May 21st, 2010 12:37am
Check with to see if the traffic goes through
Do a SMTP testJonas Andersson MCTS: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, Configuration | MCITP: EMA | MCSE/MCSA Blog:
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May 21st, 2010 9:27am
I checked with mxtoolbox and their server cannot connect to my server. We have checked everything on their side and confirmed that the connectors are set up correctly on my server as well.
Here is a read on the smtp test.
ESMTP mxl_mta-6.6.0-0 [5c4b0940.4354659.00-131]; Fri, 21 May 2010 08:07:40 -0600 (MDT); NO UCE, INBOUND
Not an open relay.
0 seconds - Good on Connection time
0.250 seconds - Good on Transaction time
OK - resolves to
OK - Reverse DNS matches SMTP Banner
Session Transcript :
250 [47 ms]
250 Sender Ok [47 ms]
451 Could not load DRD for domain ( rcpt ( [109 ms]
221 Service closing transmission channel [4354659.00] [47 ms]
May 21st, 2010 5:14pm
The error “Could not load DRD for domain” means a failed relay, which seems that the MXLogic doesn’t
put your SBS server into their relay list
The error could also cause by misconfiguration in the NATJames Luo
TechNet Subscriber Support (
If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
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May 24th, 2010 12:21pm
Thanks, James. You put me on the right track. The problem was my NAT pinhole configuration on the Motorola Netopia Router 3347. The problem was initially caused by an upgrade to the router firmware. I did switch to another router without the firmware upgrade,
but it did not have the Port 25 pinhole setup either. I thought that I had set up the NAT pinhole correctly on the new router, but I found out from Motorola support that I had not. Once I configured the pinhole correctly, the port opened and mail flowed freely.
May 24th, 2010 6:25pm
Cool! Glad you solved it : )James Luo
TechNet Subscriber Support (
If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
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May 25th, 2010 4:45am