Good Morning,
I have a user who was looking through emails on his phone. He tried to mark the message as unread, but instead hit the option to Block Emails from that domain. Unfortunately, it is the company domain. Now any internal emails he receives come into his Inbox, but after a certain period of time move to his Junk folder.
Thought it might be something local to his desktop, but when he opens Outlook on another machine, same thing. We are using Outlook 2013, Exchange 2013 and Cached mode.
On the home ribbon, under Junk, Junk E-Mail Option, Safe Senders tab..we added the domain Even with this the mail is still moving and that entry is being removed. My next thought is GPO controlling this or something on the Exchange side itself. It is not stopping his productivity, but is really annoying. Is there anything else from either the Outlook or Exchange side that I can check?
Brian Dougherty