Issue with backups on Exchange 2007 CCR Cluse
Were having an issue with not getting full backups on one of our Exchange 2007 mail stores. Were running Exchange 2007 with a CCR Cluster on a Server 2003 box. Our backup software is Backup Exec 7.0. We are getting backups of the log files but not the database. Without a full backup it will not clear our transition logs. Our copy status on all of the mail stores Healthy and the database is replicating from the active to the passive node. We have had this problem since we rolled our cluster to this node. This past weekend I did a manual reseeding of the database in an attempt to fix the problem. It did not help.
September 17th, 2012 3:01pm

I'm sorry - We are running Symantec NetBackup. I just attempted a MS Server backup on the mailstore and got the following error The 'Microsoft Information Store' returned 'Error returned from an ESE function call (d). ' from a call to 'HrESEBackupRead()' additional data '-'The 'Microsoft Information Store' returned 'Error returned from an ESE function call (d). ' from a call to 'HrESEBackupRead()' additional data '-' The operation was ended.
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September 17th, 2012 3:40pm

Hi I find similar of your case. 1. It is log problem. You can Dismount the database ->Create a new folder 'Back up' and move all the log files to the new folder in the location ->Mount the database ->Run the backup on the database 2. It is hardware or mailbox problem. You can create new database on other drive. -> move mailbox to new database -> Run the backup on the database TechNet Subscriber Support in forum If you have any feedback on our support, please contact Terence Yu TechNet Community Support
September 17th, 2012 10:51pm

Hi I find similar of your case. 1. It is log problem. You can Dismount the database ->Create a new folder 'Back up' and move all the log files to the new folder in the location ->Mount the database ->Run the backup on the database 2. It is hardware or mailbox problem. You can create new database on other drive. -> move mailbox to new database -> Run the backup on the database TechNet Subscriber Support in forum If you have any feedback on our support, please contact Terence Yu TechNet Community Support
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 17th, 2012 10:57pm

Hi Do you have anything update on your issue ?Terence Yu TechNet Community Support
September 19th, 2012 4:54am

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