Issues Setting up IMAP on Exchange 2003
I am trying to get IMAP setup on SBS / Exchange 2003 server, but not having much luck being able to send when connected within Outlook.
I have configured the following under the IMAP Virtual Server:
I have imported the OWA certificate and checked the option to use 128bit encryption.
Under Authentication, I have ticked the option to require SSL/TLS encryption.
Nothing is restricted under Connection.
Under the SMTP Virtual Server, the option to allow relay for authenticated users is ticked.
On the router, I have port forwarded TCP ports 993, 146 and 465 (not sure if port 465 is required though).
In Outlook (on a PC outside the network), I have configured an IMAP with the following settings:
Incoming and Outgoing mail server: name specified on certificate.
Ticked the option: 'My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication' and selected 'Use the same settings as my incoming mail server'.
Server ports:Incoming (IMAP): 993 using SSL encryption, Outgoing server (SMTP): 25 using TLS.
When testing the connection, I get the following error:
'Send test e-mail message: Outlook cannot connect to your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'
I have tried unticking the option to 'Require SSL/TLS encryption' and used default ports but get the same error.
Please can anyone advise where I'm going wrong?!
February 8th, 2012 5:07am
Do you get a response when you telnet on port 25 to your public IP?
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February 8th, 2012 4:09pm
why do you use the IMAP Protocoll if using Outlook. Normally the MAPI protocoll is usined using Outlook. If using a third party mailclient using IMAP and SMTP is the right way.
if using SMTP on Exchange 2003 please make sure that you dont configure an open mailrelay or do you want to send SPAM? Please floows the configuration instructions on MS Technet:
So please configure an SMTP Connector using authentification and another SMTP Port like the submissio Port 587.
regards Thomas Paetzold visit my blog on:
February 8th, 2012 4:49pm
DJB00TS - No, I don't get a response when telnetting to the public IP on port 25.
Peddy1st - I need to set this up for remote email access. No, I definately do not want to configure any open relay/sent out spam, which is why I ticked the option to only relay for authenticated users in the default SMTP virtual server connector.
I'll try setting up a seperate SMTP connector for IMAP.
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February 9th, 2012 7:18am
Just some more information - the MX record is pointing to a webmail server and not the public IP where the SBS 2003 server is located (we are using POP3 connector to pull the emails down from the web-based email accounts). I can telnet to the IP which the
MX record resolves to, but I need to use IMAP to connect to the SBS server and not the web server where the webmail accounts are hosted. Is this possible?
February 9th, 2012 7:58am