JetStress Storage Group Problem
The documentation for JetStress states that Exchange 2007 requires 1GB of RAM for JetStress 256MB / storage group. It seems no matter how much memory I put in this system, JetStress will only allow me to use 11 storage groups.
I am using Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x86. JetStress 32-bit 08.02.0060.000. The 4 required files from Exchange 2007 32-bit.
August 19th, 2008 9:08pm
I have no enough memory to test your situation. Nevertheless, I have a consideration:
As your operation system is 32bits, the JetStress will not look for memory over the 4GB boundary. According to the JetStress document:
Number of storage group is limited by the physical memory on the computer. Consider installing additional RAM to support more storage groups (256 MB/storage group)
Thus, only 11 ((4096-1024)/256) storage groups are available.
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August 21st, 2008 12:43pm
I realized yesterday, that was the case. I deployed a virtual machine from the wrong template. I used standard instead of enterprise.
August 21st, 2008 11:14pm