Jetstress issue
Hi All.I am trying to run Jetstress against the new Exchange server databases to check the storage performance and I have an error message below.
Test Scenario and Exchange Profile Summary
Test Scenario: Disk Subsystem Throughput Test
Test Type: Performance
Test Duration: 02:00:00
Capacity Percentage: 100
Throughput Percentage: 100
Output Path: C:\Program Files\Exchange Jetstress
Database Source: AttachExistingDatabases
Database Path:
Log Path:
23/06/2009 3:02:49 PM -- Microsoft Exchange Server Jetstress Core Engine (version: 08.02.0060.000) detected.23/06/2009 3:02:49 PM -- Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (5.2.3790.131072) detected.23/06/2009 3:02:50 PM -- Microsoft Exchange Server Database Storage Engine (version: 08.01.0240.005) detected.23/06/2009 3:02:50 PM -- Microsoft Exchange Server Database Storage Engine Performance Library (version: 08.01.0240.005) detected.23/06/2009 3:04:38 PM -- Jetstress testing begins ...23/06/2009 3:05:08 PM -- Prepare testing begins ...23/06/2009 3:05:10 PM -- Attaching databases ...23/06/2009 3:06:32 PM -- Jetstress testing failed. Error: Faulty storage groups: Instance10912.1. Ensure that all the storage groups are working properly. Error: Invalid Jet interop operation. Source: ErrEDBUTLCleanup. Error: JET_errFileNotFound, File not foundCheers, Alex
June 23rd, 2009 8:15am
Same symptom will occur if we run the Jetstress on the existing database
Please launch the Jetstress, and select Create new databases under "Select the Database Source" page for testing. If the issue still occurs, please remove the databases under the storage group and use Create new databases again
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June 23rd, 2009 9:02am