A few users started to complain they were getting error messages when trying to book meetings in our Room Calendars.
They were using Outlook 2013 in schedule view, where they used to be able to double click in a Room Calendar, and that would automatically open a New Meeting window, with the Room already "invited"
Like so
With KB 2956087 installed, they got an error message saying
"You don't have permission to create an entry in this folder......."
If you look at the changes in KB 2956087 , it fixes the following:
When you try to add a new appointment item to a shared calendar by double-clicking a time slot, a meeting item appears instead of an appointment item.
Similarly, when you add a new meeting item to a shared calendar by right-clicking a time slot, and then selecting New Meeting Request, the owner of the shared calendar is added to the To field. This behavior is unexpected.
Unfortunately for our users, this behaviour is expected, and desired! Apart from blocking this update, is there anyway to default back to the old way, where a double click created a Meeting? Right clicking on the calendar shows both options grayed out.
- Edited by PaulNSW 4 hours 51 minutes ago