Hi folks, can anyone help , I am about to impliment this on a production server? Note I
will use the echange aware backup in the future, but for right now , can I try these out?
1)if i use external usb as lcr location, will it break anything
how does this impact my server negatively?
2)if i have my lcr data on a usb, something goes wrong
on my live database, can i create a folder in the
c:\program files\microsoft\exchange server\mailbox\1st storage grp
directory, copy the lcr data into it, then mount to make it live?
3)can I dismount , copy .edb file , paste into an external drive
directory, and mount on the same server(exchange) in the future
for recovery purpose
September 10th, 2012 11:56am
Question 1: It will work. But it is not best choice. Microsoft recommends that your secondary disk have a similar capacity and equal performance to the active copy, to ensure that the secondary disk functions similarly to the disk
housing the active database. As my experience, local disk I/O performance is better than external USB I/O performance. So copy process will last a long time.
Question 2: I never test it. You enable LCR.You should
Select the path for the LCR system files and replication logs.
Restore Database from LCR Copy command:
Restore-StorageGroupCopy -Identity:<Server>\<StorageGroupName>.
You cant modify path. So it wont work.
Question 3: That is ok.
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September 10th, 2012 11:00pm
Do you have anything update on your issue ?Terence Yu
TechNet Community Support
September 11th, 2012 9:58pm