Situation: 5 mails with different number of attachments form the same customer.
Open the first mail with 2 attachments, rightclick attachments, save as default X:\customers, choose subdirectory customerXYZ, and save files.
Open the 2nd mail with 2 attachments, rightclick attachments, save as, and default location is again X:\customers. Ups.
Open the 3rd mail with one attachment, rightclick attachments, save as, and again the default location is X:\customers.
Open the 4th mail with 2 attachments, rightclick attachments, save as... and bingo default save location is as it should be X:\customers\customerXYZ. Nice.
Open the Fifth mail and Again the default location is X:\customers. So, when you save 2 or more attachments, default location goes one directory up. Save one attachment and the default save location stays where it should be. This user receives up to 40 mails a day from the same customer with 1 or more attachments each, and she's naturally not very pleased. Does anyone know how to solve this?