LegacyDN in Exchange 2007
We are having Exchange 2003 and exchange 2007 seupt , Do we need check LegacyDN value while moving mailboxes from E2K3 to E2K7. I hope Legacy DN value is only needed when we have Exchange 5.5 and E2K3.
Kindly suggest for this.
May 31st, 2010 9:31pm
If you are moving mailboxes via the Move Mailbox Wizard and these mailboxes are in the same Exchange org, then you do not have to do anything or modify the legacyExchangeDN. It will just work.
The LEgacyExchangeDN is still used and important however.
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May 31st, 2010 9:41pm
Thanks Andy , Kindly explain how legacyDN is needed for E2K7.
May 31st, 2010 10:12pm
Outlook still depends on it for replies/ cached names. Mail-enabled objects still reference it.Exchange objects in 2007/2010 have LegacyExchangeDN values, etc etc. Its not something you can arbitrarily change or remove, so it hasnt gone away in any
sense. :)
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May 31st, 2010 10:19pm