Licencing for Exchange Virtualisation project
System currently has 4 Physical Exchange 2007 servers, I will be adding 4 virtuals, moving mailboxes and decommisioning the Physicals asap. Do I need 8 Exchange 2007 server licences or can I get away with 4? All 8 servers will only be in use at the same time for as long as it takes to move the mailboxes. Whats the licencing position here? Will the same product keys work on the new servers? Many Thanks, Will.
July 2nd, 2012 6:13am

Hi The answer to this question depends on what Microsoft licensing program you use and how long the migration will take. If you have a Microsoft account manager that would be the best person to speak to. Steve
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July 2nd, 2012 6:20am

Exchange initially installs in evaluation mode for 120 days. Therefore as long as you don't enter a licence key and complete the migration within that time, you do not need to purchase additional keys. The keys only control the version of Exchange (standard/enterprise). Everyone has the same keys, there is no activation process. Simon. Simon Butler, Exchange MVP Blog | Exchange Resources | In the UK? Hire Me.
July 2nd, 2012 9:46am

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