License Limit ?
We have a standard Exchange 2003 sp2 on a Win2003 domain. Recently my backup stopped working correctily and the application log told me the database was reaching its license limit of 75GB. When I went into the server the total of the Exchange data bases is less than 30 GB. Why am I getting this message? Is my backup problems (we use Acronis) related to the message?I really would like to avoid doing an offline defrag. Are there other options.
November 4th, 2009 10:44pm
Do you mean 30GB on disk or 30GB adding up the mailbox sizes in ESM?
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November 5th, 2009 12:20am
I added the space that priv1.mdb and pub1.mdb are taking on the disk on the server.We have only one info store.
November 5th, 2009 12:47am
The sizes are as follows:priv1.edb: 12GBpriv1.stm: 13GBpub1.edb: 145MBpub1.stm: 6 MB
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November 5th, 2009 2:39am
Please provide the exact error event
Is there any issue to the exchange/outlook performance?
Have you verified the registry key for database limit? (KB 912375)
Please verify the health of information store with ISINTEG and ESEUTIL
November 5th, 2009 7:28am
The warning is:Source: MSExchangeIS MailboxEvent ID: 9688I have checked the registry the max datatbase size is 75GBPerformance is OK but has been slowing in the past few weeks.
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November 5th, 2009 10:27pm