Hi everybody
I need to create a tree describing the hierarchy of the company. I've got Visio Pro 2010 and a SQL Database from a HR program where all workers, there bosses, positions and everything is listed. I aim to link the tree to the database in a way that the tree is updating itself whenever changes are made in the HR program.
So my first question is whether this is possible at all.
I assume it is. So I started to play a little bit arround with it and created a test DB containing several worker's names, an ID, the bosses ID, company name, position and some other information. I successfully managed to import the DB in Visio (Org Chart -> Organization Data -> Import) and it is showing me the tree as I wanted to see it (with the rigth hierarchy and all the information of the workers is rigth). I even managed to add a value for the shape when I give the collumn in the DB the right name (Master_Shape).
But my issue is that the shapes are not linked to the DB. When I make a change in the DB it does not update the tree. When I click on View -> Makros -> Add-Ons -> Visio Extras -> Update Shapes... I get the message "This document does not conatin out-of-date shapes". When I click on View -> Makros -> Add-Ons -> Visio Extras -> Database Refresh i get the error:
Error message
Update Record
Cannot set the database context information
ODBC Error: S1009
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'Visi' does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
I have no idea what 'Visi' does refer to. My database is called VisioPro, the System DSN's name is testvisio and the table is called tbl_employees.
The only way I could figure out right now to update the shapes, contents and structure is to run the iport-wizard after each change. But this is horrible doing this for every change that is made beacuse this creates a new tree every time and the linked copies I created before I need to create agein.
Is there another way maybe to achieve that aim? I googled already but I couldn't really find help to that topic.
Thank you very much.