Ive considered if we can enable GPO to remove the Menu and Command Bar Items for Account settings from the Outlook side. However, I cannot get the Office ID to disable the URL shown under "Access this account on the web" in Outlook 2010. There is no other
GPOs to do that either. This should be a product limitation.
After testing, we observed that the URL shown under "Access this account on the web" in Outlook 2010 is picked up from the external URL set for OWA . If the external URL is set to blank it picks it up from internal URL. Please confirm whether you are using
internal URL or external URL.
Hence, I can provide a workaround that we can set the external URL and Outlook will pick this up as the URL shown under "Access this account on the web". After setting the external URL we can disable redirection using the below command
Set-OWAVirtualDirectory -RedirectToOptimalOWAServer $false
Have a good day.
Tony Chen
TechNet Community Support

Marked as answer by
Tony Chen CHNMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:46 AM