List of addresses associated with mailbox
Hi We have a bunch of special purpose mailboxes that have multiple email addresses. They are all contained in a file named Special.csv and there are about 20 of them. For each mailbox, I'd like to run a Powershell that will tell me 1. The name of the mailbox 2. The displayname of the mailbox 3. All the email addresses associated with the mailbox ** 4. The primary SMTP address associated with the mailbox Note: For #3, I have found the when I use | fl to get the addresses, if there are many, the Powershell output is cut off with "....." at the end. Does anyone know how I can code Powershell to display ALL the results for that value? This is for Exchange 2007 SP3.
August 25th, 2011 6:41pm

Note: For #3, I have found the when I use | fl to get the addresses, if there are many, the Powershell output is cut off with "....." at the end. Does anyone know how I can code Powershell to display ALL the results for that value? This is for Exchange 2007 SP3. To answer just this right now. Use the -Wrap parameter (PowerShell 2.0): Get-Mailbox <alias> | Format-Table -Wrap Name, DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress, EmailAddresses With PowerShell 1.0, you could try with List: Get-Mailbox <alias> | List Name, DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress, EmailAddresses But wouldn't it be better to export the results to a .CSV file for easier viewing? Using Format Commands to Change Output View Applies To: Windows PowerShell 2.0 Messaging | MCSE: S+M
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August 25th, 2011 7:38pm

Now the .CSV file looks like this: --- CSV File --- "Alias" postmaster jas julie ems ----------------- And this would be the script: # Clear the screen Clear-Host # Read .CSV file into array $mailBoxes = Import-Csv -Path c:\Temp\alias.csv # Loop through the array ForEach ($_.Alias in $mailBoxes) { Get-Mailbox $_.Alias | Format-List Name, DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress, EmailAddresses } MCTS: Messaging | MCSE: S+M
August 25th, 2011 8:13pm

Thanks all. Is there any command I can run to have the email addresses listed on one line each rather than one after another?
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August 31st, 2011 3:55pm

You mean like this? Felicia is our dog; the e-mail address has been changed, but the output is real: [PS] C:\>Get-Mailbox "felicia" | List Name, DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress, @{Name='EmailAddresses';Expression={[string ]::join("`n", ($_.EmailAddresses))}} Name : Felicia Smith DisplayName : Felicia Smith PrimarySmtpAddress : EmailAddresses : [PS] C:\> Note, you will see that the PrimarySmtpAddress is identical to SMTP: Secondary e-mail addresses are smtp: The PowerShell command ha to be on one line. MCTS: Messaging | MCSE: S+M
August 31st, 2011 7:37pm

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