i need to capture image with VMWare Sata Drivers, i have created deployment share for capture but last step executing sysprep it got stopped and its giveing me following error :
Litetouch deployment failed(Err);- 21447024894 0x80070002: Test for cloneTag in Registry to verify sysprep completed-unable to open ragistry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Setup\CloneTag" for reading
Failure(6191): Test for cloneTag in registry to verify sysperp completed.-unable to open registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Setup\CloneTag" for reading Lite Touch Deployment failed, return code= -2147467259 0x80004005
Failed to run the action :Execute Sysprep.
Unknown Error(Error: 0000182f;Source:unknown)
The Execution of the last action: Execute Sysprep. Execution of task sequence failed.
Task Sequnce engine failed! Code: enExecutionFail
I am using Windows XP Sp3 Source OS and MDT2010.
Please suggest me any solution..