LoadGen Help Needed
Hi,I have installed Loadgen on one clent and started a test for 2 hours with 1200 users which are distrubted in 3 mail box store gruoups adn runs on Heavy load of Exchanage 2007 online & Exchange 2003 online.I got test result as successful and recived a report file,but i dont how to analyz those reseults,i.e1)with that result how can i calcute exchnage srever performnace?2)what are the prerequsites need to take before generating results i.e like any cpu usage reports ,disk usage reports in serevr/clint3)Wha is Load Generator stauts column in report explains?please help on this ,RegardsCrew Messenger
July 8th, 2009 9:00am
Hi,I'm a bit of a LodGen novice but as far as i undestand it you need to run perfmon at the same time to capture the stats from your exchange servers and then analyse these:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb508871.aspxEmma
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August 6th, 2009 2:59pm
It is better to go with LoadGen Help.chm filethanksCrew
September 22nd, 2009 8:04am