If we install 2 multi-role Exchange servers in our building and a 3rd multi-role server in our remote data center, what is the best way to load balance them? Do we need two load balancers or is there some way to span a single load balancer across the WAN ?
What about using Windows NLB as an alternative to using round robin internally?
Can a load balancer keep our interoffice Exchange CAS traffic from leaving our LAN and only failover to using the 3rd CAS/mailbox sever for internal users if both internal Exchange servers are offline?
We would also like remote users to "prefer" to use the data center CAS unless it is down. Right now we point our smart host directly to a CAS, but if we had a load balancer there, we could point the smart host to the IP of the load balancer and the load balancer could normally send it to data center CAS if it's up and forward it to one of the servers in the office otherwise.
Is it possible to do all this without a very complicated and expensive solution?