The event thrown:
- System
- Provider
[ Name] MSExchange Common
- EventID 106
[ Qualifiers] 49156
Level 2
Task 1
Keywords 0x80000000000000
- TimeCreated
[ SystemTime] 2012-12-14T08:09:38.000000000Z
EventRecordID 46524
Channel Application
Computer ITSPECSRV.itspec.local
- EventData
Time in Resource per second
MSExchange Activity Context Resources
The exception thrown is : System.InvalidOperationException: Instance 'ad-w3wp-msexchangerpcproxyapppool' already exists with a lifetime of Process. It cannot be recreated or reused until it has been removed or until the process using it has exited.
at System.Diagnostics.SharedPerformanceCounter.FindInstance(Int32 instanceNameHashCode, String instanceName, CategoryEntry* categoryPointer, InstanceEntry** returnInstancePointerReference, Boolean activateUnusedInstances, PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime
lifetime, Boolean& foundFreeInstance) at System.Diagnostics.SharedPerformanceCounter.GetCounter(String counterName, String instanceName, Boolean enableReuse, PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime lifetime) at System.Diagnostics.SharedPerformanceCounter..ctor(String
catName, String counterName, String instanceName, PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime lifetime) at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.InitializeImpl() at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.get_RawValue() at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExPerformanceCounter.get_RawValue()
Last worker process info : System.ArgumentException: Process with an Id of 13296 is not running. at System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(Int32 processId) at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExPerformanceCounter.GetLastWorkerProcessInfo() Processes running
while Performance counter failed to update: 60080 rundll32 5392 noderunner 384 smss 1564 certsrv 2152 updateservice 3528 Microsoft.Exchange.AntispamUpdateSvc 1164 svchost 13180 w3wp 4708 MSExchangeFrontendTransport 372 svchost 568 wininit 4900 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Service
3912 MSExchangeSubmission 956 svchost 560 csrss 1544 svchost 1936 ismserv 2328 sftracing 2524 Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService 1144 SMSvcHost 6856 w3wp 1732 fms 6064 msexchangerepl 5668 Microsoft.Exchange.ContentFilter.Wrapper 2736 ForefrontActiveDirectoryConnector
7044 scanningprocess 65552 w3wp 7632 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker 75064 Microsoft.Exchange.RpcClientAccess.Service 1916 inetinfo 2504 WMSvc 672 lsass 7884 LogonUI 3288 SMSvcHost 74404 WmiPrvSE 2892 MSExchangeHMHost 7196 svchost 17664 plasrv 23572 WmiPrvSE
58464 rundll32 3864 Microsoft.Exchange.UM.CallRouter 12728 EdgeTransport 8984 vds 6816 scanningprocess 43456 rundll32 72248 w3wp 1492 Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.WebServices 900 svchost 4444 conhost 8220 svchost 2468 dfssvc 72992 noderunner 5520 scanningprocess
6600 umservice 492 csrss 9356 msdtc 7580 svchost 1668 svchost 12108 w3wp 10324 w3wp 59780 wService 2056 mqsvc 1464 spoolsv 4416 MSExchangeHMWorker 2248 POPconSrv 1688 dns 1148 DynamicUpdate 67648 noderunner 664 services 2436 svchost 856 svchost 4236 Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSyncSvc
3612 MSExchangeDelivery 75572 w3wp 76664 w3wp 68420 w3wp 5576 MSExchangeThrottling 5068 MSExchangeMailboxAssistants 7544 w3wp 10268 Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service 67232 UMWorkerProcess 2172 dwm 840 svchost 444 svchost 6156 MSExchangeTransportLogSearch
7516 MSExchangeTransport 54324 noderunner 1620 dfsrs 3508 w3wp 71712 w3wp 14412 hostcontrollerservice 3576 Microsoft.Exchange.ServiceHost 12832 conhost 9088 csrss 13320 MSExchangeMailboxReplication 6560 svchost 1004 LogonUI 804 MezzmoMediaServer 65616 Microsoft.Exchange.Search.Service
996 dwm 10004 winlogon 596 winlogon 4 System 0 Idle Performance Counters Layout information: A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 69196, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId:
69196 StartupTime: 129998615365371427, currentInstance : rpca-powershell-defaultdomain(4598AFAF) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=34280, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId :
69196, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 69196 StartupTime: 129998615365371427, currentInstance : mb-powershell-defaultdomain(CC014C00) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=33952, categoryName: MSExchange Activity
Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 69196, counter : time in resource per second Value=1511 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 69196 StartupTime: 129998615365371427, currentInstance : ad-powershell-defaultdomain(95CC324A)
RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=33624, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 72248, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 72248
StartupTime: 129999461529718338, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(E1115251) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=33296, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId
: 72248, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 72248 StartupTime: 129999461529718338, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(34B9187E) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=32968, categoryName: MSExchange
Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 72248, counter : time in resource per second Value=3 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 72248 StartupTime: 129999461529718338, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(FAEFA1B4)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=32640, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13180, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 13180
StartupTime: 129999188954929953, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(4AA799E7) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=32312, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13180,
counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 13180 StartupTime: 129999188954929953, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(C3953468) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31984, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context
Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13180, counter : time in resource per second Value=26326 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 13180 StartupTime: 129999188954929953, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(160BE662)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31656, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 12108, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 12108
StartupTime: 129992760805840463, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeautodiscoverapppool(6DABF262) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31328, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId
: 12108, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 12108 StartupTime: 129992760805840463, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeautodiscoverapppool(D1C6EF4D) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=31000, categoryName: MSExchange
Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 12108, counter : time in resource per second Value=1012599 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 12108 StartupTime: 129992760805840463, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeautodiscoverapppool(FD072087)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=30672, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10324, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10324
StartupTime: 129992756136525826, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeowacalendarapppool(8F10D1B5) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=30344, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId
: 10324, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10324 StartupTime: 129992756136525826, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeowacalendarapppool(2D8C9EBA) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=30016, categoryName: MSExchange
Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10324, counter : time in resource per second Value=33901 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10324 StartupTime: 129992756136525826, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeowacalendarapppool(D845E230)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=29688, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6856, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6856 StartupTime:
129992757423214029, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(8149E8D2) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=29360, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6856, counter : time
in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6856 StartupTime: 129992757423214029, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(58D0A79D) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=29032, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process
is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6856, counter : time in resource per second Value=30909 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6856 StartupTime: 129992757423214029, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(CC31A917) RefCount=1
SpinLock=0 Offset=28704, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7544, counter : time in resource per second Value=449148 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7544 StartupTime:
129992797274953614, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(9E48CD5A) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=28376, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7544, counter
: time in resource per second Value=1082 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7544 StartupTime: 129992797274953614, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(A686C810) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=28048, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context
Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7544, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7544 StartupTime: 129992797274953614, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(3CF18BF)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=27720, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 67648, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 67648
StartupTime: 129999193218524806, currentInstance : rpca-noderunner-contentenginenode1(316BF6E3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=27392, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 67648,
counter : time in resource per second Value=27430 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 67648 StartupTime: 129999193218524806, currentInstance : mb-noderunner-contentenginenode1(2EE8286C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=27064, categoryName: MSExchange Activity
Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 67648, counter : time in resource per second Value=51257 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 67648 StartupTime: 129999193218524806, currentInstance : ad-noderunner-contentenginenode1(61591E6)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=26736, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6452, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6452 StartupTime:
129992750435810865, currentInstance : rpca-umworkerprocess-umworkerprocess.exe(970CCE33) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=26408, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6452, counter
: time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6452 StartupTime: 129992750435810865, currentInstance : mb-umworkerprocess-umworkerprocess.exe(8A7F8A3C) RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=26080, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context
Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6452, counter : time in resource per second Value=1209 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6452 StartupTime: 129992750435810865, currentInstance : ad-umworkerprocess-umworkerprocess.exe(95818B6)
RefCount=0 SpinLock=0 Offset=25752, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 12728, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 12728
StartupTime: 129992800311275798, currentInstance : rpca-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(911B6EB3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=25424, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId :
12728, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 12728 StartupTime: 129992800311275798, currentInstance : mb-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(A5AF4BBC) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=25096, categoryName: MSExchange Activity
Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 12728, counter : time in resource per second Value=1130610 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 12728 StartupTime: 129992800311275798, currentInstance : ad-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(E79D4A36)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=24768, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7516, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7516 StartupTime:
129992800299263990, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(24F56C33) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=24440, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId :
7516, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7516 StartupTime: 129992800299263990, currentInstance : mb-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(92FB3D3C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=24112, categoryName: MSExchange
Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7516, counter : time in resource per second Value=54 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7516 StartupTime: 129992800299263990, currentInstance : ad-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(2447ECB6)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=23784, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7632, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7632 StartupTime:
129992750543373015, currentInstance : RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=23456, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance
counter. processId : 7632, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7632 StartupTime: 129992750543373015, currentInstance : RefCount=1
SpinLock=0 Offset=23128, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7632, counter : time in resource per second Value=1434838 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7632 StartupTime:
129992750543373015, currentInstance : RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=22800, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance
counter. processId : 3864, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3864 StartupTime: 129992750232229526, currentInstance : RefCount=1
SpinLock=0 Offset=22472, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3864, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3864 StartupTime:
129992750232229526, currentInstance : RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=22144, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance
counter. processId : 3864, counter : time in resource per second Value=44 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3864 StartupTime: 129992750232229526, currentInstance : RefCount=1
SpinLock=0 Offset=21816, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6064, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6064 StartupTime:
129992749750676533, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangerepl-msexchangerepl.exe(7148D1D3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=21488, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6064, counter
: time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6064 StartupTime: 129992749750676533, currentInstance : mb-msexchangerepl-msexchangerepl.exe(7544DE9C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=21160, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context
Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6064, counter : time in resource per second Value=4012375 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6064 StartupTime: 129992749750676533, currentInstance : ad-msexchangerepl-msexchangerepl.exe(4FE1D16)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=20832, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6600, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6600 StartupTime:
129992749986061560, currentInstance : rpca-umservice-umservice.exe(E39A1133) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=20504, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6600, counter : time
in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6600 StartupTime: 129992749986061560, currentInstance : mb-umservice-umservice.exe(FFBB273C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=20176, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process
is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6600, counter : time in resource per second Value=2173470 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6600 StartupTime: 129992749986061560, currentInstance : ad-umservice-umservice.exe(9A8AC6B6) RefCount=1
SpinLock=0 Offset=19848, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6156, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6156 StartupTime:
129992749943318526, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangetransportlogsearch-msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe(EF66F2D3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=19520, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter.
processId : 6156, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6156 StartupTime: 129992749943318526, currentInstance : mb-msexchangetransportlogsearch-msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe(B020391C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0
Offset=19192, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6156, counter : time in resource per second Value=4209 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6156 StartupTime: 129992749943318526,
currentInstance : ad-msexchangetransportlogsearch-msexchangetransportlogsearch.exe(20578116) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=18864, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3912,
counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3912 StartupTime: 129992749878269211, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangesubmission-msexchangesubmission.exe(60747EB3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=18536, categoryName: MSExchange
Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3912, counter : time in resource per second Value=838132 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3912 StartupTime: 129992749878269211, currentInstance : mb-msexchangesubmission-msexchangesubmission.exe(67B4173C)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=18208, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3912, counter : time in resource per second Value=1177907 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId:
3912 StartupTime: 129992749878269211, currentInstance : ad-msexchangesubmission-msexchangesubmission.exe(85200236) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=17880, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter.
processId : 75064, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 75064 StartupTime: 129999247871067971, currentInstance :
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=17552, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 75064, counter : time in resource per second Value=27359 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 75064
StartupTime: 129999247871067971, currentInstance : RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=17224, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding
onto a transport performance counter. processId : 75064, counter : time in resource per second Value=82804 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 75064 StartupTime: 129999247871067971, currentInstance :
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=16896, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5576, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5576 StartupTime:
129992749923195144, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangethrottling-msexchangethrottling.exe(8C1DA893) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=16568, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId
: 5576, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5576 StartupTime: 129992749923195144, currentInstance : mb-msexchangethrottling-msexchangethrottling.exe(AB2BADDC) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=16240, categoryName:
MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5576, counter : time in resource per second Value=10 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5576 StartupTime: 129992749923195144, currentInstance :
ad-msexchangethrottling-msexchangethrottling.exe(8962F4D6) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=15912, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13320, counter : time in resource per
second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 13320 StartupTime: 129992982379033019, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangemailboxreplication-msexchangemailboxreplication.exe(276F4DB3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=15584, categoryName: MSExchange Activity
Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13320, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 13320 StartupTime: 129992982379033019, currentInstance : mb-msexchangemailboxreplication-msexchangemailboxreplication.exe(95E41BC)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=15256, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13320, counter : time in resource per second Value=904140 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId:
13320 StartupTime: 129992982379033019, currentInstance : ad-msexchangemailboxreplication-msexchangemailboxreplication.exe(394712B6) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=14928, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport
performance counter. processId : 5068, counter : time in resource per second Value=53584 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5068 StartupTime: 129992749574808748, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangemailboxassistants-msexchangemailboxassistants.exe(DEAC0933)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=14600, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5068, counter : time in resource per second Value=54866 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5068
StartupTime: 129992749574808748, currentInstance : mb-msexchangemailboxassistants-msexchangemailboxassistants.exe(A754293C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=14272, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance
counter. processId : 5068, counter : time in resource per second Value=616057 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5068 StartupTime: 129992749574808748, currentInstance : ad-msexchangemailboxassistants-msexchangemailboxassistants.exe(EE890EB6) RefCount=1
SpinLock=0 Offset=13944, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3576, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3576 StartupTime:
129992749858458492, currentInstance : RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=13616, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance
counter. processId : 3576, counter : time in resource per second Value=41623 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3576 StartupTime: 129992749858458492, currentInstance : RefCount=1
SpinLock=0 Offset=13288, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3576, counter : time in resource per second Value=1048750 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3576 StartupTime:
129992749858458492, currentInstance : RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=12960, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter.
processId : 3508, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3508 StartupTime: 129992760724492119, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeservicesapppool(E8BBF810) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=12632, categoryName: MSExchange
Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3508, counter : time in resource per second Value=222927 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 3508 StartupTime: 129992760724492119, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeservicesapppool(10FE94BF)
RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=12304, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 3508, counter : time in resource per second Value=1001355 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId:
3508 StartupTime: 129992760724492119, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeservicesapppool(E0DE475) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=11976, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId
: 4900, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4900 StartupTime: 129992749471903110, currentInstance : RefCount=1 SpinLock=0
Offset=11648, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4900, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4900 StartupTime: 129992749471903110,
currentInstance : RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=11320, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId
: 4900, counter : time in resource per second Value=28 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4900 StartupTime: 129992749471903110, currentInstance : RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=10992,
categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4708, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4708 StartupTime: 129992749445169725, currentInstance
: rpca-msexchangefrontendtransport-msexchangefrontendtransport.exe(935D2AB3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=10664, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4708, counter : time
in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4708 StartupTime: 129992749445169725, currentInstance : mb-msexchangefrontendtransport-msexchangefrontendtransport.exe(52FB38BC) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=10336, categoryName: MSExchange
Activity Context Resources A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4708, counter : time in resource per second Value=210983 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4708 StartupTime: 1...