MSExchangeMU 1040 and 1034 errors (Exchange 2003)
Hello all,
Because one of our machines had a minor Harddisk corruption, we had torestore the systemstate and the Exchange Store. This all seemed to work fine, except for IIS which seemed to be corrupted as well.
Because of this, we've re-install IIS (using all the steps where we had to reinstall Exchange as well). Unfortunatly, we are getting MSExchangeMU and W3SVC errors from this point on. To be able to renstall, we had to rename the old 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys' folder.
Exchange is working properly, though webmail isn't accessible. Within IIS only the Default website its ExchWeb folder is returning. We have already tried to remove the LM\DS2MB key and removing the ExchWeb folder within IIS and have restarted the System Attendent afterwards, but with the same results, only ExchWeb and the errormessages returning.
Note that we have also created a new virutal website within Exchange, which is created with a default site ID of 100.
We have set logging of MSExchangeMU to max, but is is going well untill the first error below:
The messages are:
Source: MSExchangeMU
Event ID: 1034
Type: Error
Failed to replicatie the security descriptor to the metabase key /LM/NNTPSVC. Users may not be able to read or write data to this key. Error code is 800cc801.
Source: MSExchangeMU
Event ID: 1034
Type: Error
Failed to replicatie the security descriptor to the metabase key /LM/W3SVC/1. Users may not be able to read or write data to this key. Error code is 800cc801.
Source: MSExchangeMU
Event ID: 1034
Type: Error
Failed to replicatie the security descriptor to the metabase key /LM/W3SVC/100. Users may not be able to read or write data to this key. Error code is 800cc801.
Source: MSExchangeMU
Event ID: 1034
Type: Error
Failed to replicatie the security descriptor to the metabase key /LM/IMAPSVC/1. Users may not be able to read or write data to this key. Error code is 800cc801.
Source: MSExchangeMU
Event ID: 1040
Type: Warning
Metabase Update failed replication 5 times with error 800cc801. Please change the diagnostic loging level of MSExchangeMU to 'minimum' or greater to find the source of the problem.
Source: W3SVC
Event ID: 1043
Type: Warning
The virtual site '100' has been invalidated and will be ignored because valid site bindings could bot be constructed, or no site bindings exist.
About this last error, I verified using the IIS Metabase Explorer and indeed, I cannot find any site bindings within LM\W3SVC\100.
Any help or tips would be very much appriciated.
Kind regards,
July 28th, 2008 3:04pm
Hi Peter,
Please perform the following method to troubleshoot the issue:
1. Run IIS Metabase Explorer
2. Locate ServerName\LM\Logging, right click AdminACL and choose copy (admin acl property)
3. Go back to Root (Server) and Right Click and Paste
After that, please right click the Root (Server) and click Permissions. Then add the appropriate permission:
Admin Full Control (sure already be there)
Local Service Read
Network Service Read
Then, please remove DS2MB key and restart the System Attendant service to test the issue again.
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July 30th, 2008 12:09pm
Hi Mike,
Thank you very much. This indeed resolved the issue.
Kind regards,
July 30th, 2008 1:45pm