MSExchange Common Error


I installed two Exchange 2013 servers with combined roles (A fresh installation). on both the servers, there is an error message appearing again and again


Source MSExchange Common
Event ID 106

Performance counter updating error. Counter name is Time in Resource per second, category name is

MSExchange Activity Context Resources. Optional code: 2. Exception: The exception thrown is :

System.InvalidOperationException: Instance 'ad-powershell-defaultdomain' already exists with a lifetime

of Process.  It cannot be recreated or reused until it has been removed or until the process using it

has exited.
   at System.Diagnostics.SharedPerformanceCounter.FindInstance(Int32 instanceNameHashCode, String

instanceName, CategoryEntry* categoryPointer, InstanceEntry** returnInstancePointerReference, Boolean

activateUnusedInstances, PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime lifetime, Boolean& foundFreeInstance)
   at System.Diagnostics.SharedPerformanceCounter.GetCounter(String counterName, String instanceName,

Boolean enableReuse, PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime lifetime)
   at System.Diagnostics.SharedPerformanceCounter..ctor(String catName, String counterName, String

instanceName, PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime lifetime)
   at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.InitializeImpl()
   at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.get_RawValue()
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExPerformanceCounter.get_RawValue()
Last worker process info : System.ArgumentException: Process with an Id of 12856 is not running.
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(Int32 processId)
   at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExPerformanceCounter.GetLastWorkerProcessInfo()
Processes running while Performance counter failed to update:
616 lsass
11620 w3wp
3148 MonitoringHost
5708 UMWorkerProcess
1764 inetinfo
1172 svchost
8656 w3wp
11588 taskhost
13096 WmiPrvSE
6484 rhs
5980 VSSVC
1356 spoolsv
6280 w3wp
1748 ServerManager
6900 Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSyncSvc
9232 powershell
1548 taskhostex
364 svchost
6468 CcmExec
5680 SMSvcHost
14072 SCNotification
3904 MSExchangeThrottling
8040 MSExchangeMailboxAssistants
2720 svchost
1536 hostcontrollerservice
548 winlogon
4476 powershell
2712 rundll32
2120 SMSvcHost
8156 svchost
10588 w3wp
11572 w3wp
2312 sqlbrowser
8572 w3wp
7544 MSExchangeTransport
11676 explorer
6828 w3wp
1512 updateservice
13672 WmiPrvSE
2692 scanningprocess
2888 Microsoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService
12788 WmiPrvSE
324 umservice
520 wininit
316 smss
2088 noderunner
2284 sftracing
7600 rhs
5432 Microsoft.Exchange.UM.CallRouter
2672 svchost
2868 ForefrontActiveDirectoryConnector
7792 rdpclip
1684 svchost
6016 CmRcService
2468 noderunner
6012 w3wp
3844 scanningprocess
6696 MSExchangeDelivery
2064 Microsoft.Exchange.AntispamUpdateSvc
808 svchost
6940 rhs
512 csrss
676 svchost
13676 powershell
11864 w3wp
14264 svchost
2640 sqlwriter
3624 MonitoringHost
11892 w3wp
2440 rundll32
1576 sqlservr
1544 WmiPrvSE
4728 WmiPrvSE
8136 conhost
3420 conhost
2828 WMSvc
5512 clussvc
12612 policyHost
3652 dwm
8160 WmiPrvSE
12428 conhost
4632 csrss
7940 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker
4196 scanningprocess
452 svchost
14552 mmc
7520 MSExchangeFrontendTransport
504 svchost
3796 Microsoft.Exchange.ServiceHost
14236 winlogon
3400 MSExchangeHMWorker
2020 MSExchangeHMHost
3004 MSExchangeMigrationWorkflow
6548 MSExchangeMailboxReplication
10684 w3wp
3936 MSExchangeSubmission
7924 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Service
1924 mqsvc
14028 PccNTMon
828 dwm
8904 svchost
13728 taskhostex
5944 MSExchangeDagMgmt
1480 HealthService
1016 svchost
2788 WmiPrvSE
4128 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker
3376 msexchangerepl
10664 w3wp
2192 noderunner
812 LogonUI
1796 Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service
3568 Microsoft.Exchange.RpcClientAccess.Service
708 svchost
4748 MSExchangeTransportLogSearch
608 services
2576 noderunner
7708 EdgeTransport
4936 powershell
444 csrss
13996 powershell
7100 Microsoft.Exchange.Search.Service
7508 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker
1384 svchost
4 System
1080 Microsoft.Exchange.Store.Worker
1412 fms
13200 msdtc
0 Idle
Performance Counters Layout information: A process is holding onto a transport performance counter.

processId : 2020, counter : time in resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId:

2020 StartupTime: 130715770218422781, currentInstance : rpca-msexchangehmhost-msexchangehmhost.exe

(87A5B053) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=38216, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 2020, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 2020 StartupTime: 130715770218422781,

currentInstance : mb-msexchangehmhost-msexchangehmhost.exe(FB9D599C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=37888, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 2020, counter : time in resource

per second Value=78 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 2020 StartupTime: 130715770218422781,

currentInstance : ad-msexchangehmhost-msexchangehmhost.exe(4E220B96) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=37560, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11892, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11892 StartupTime:

130715772666720885, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(8149E8D2) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=37232, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11892, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11892 StartupTime:

130715772666720885, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(58D0A79D) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=36904, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11892, counter : time in

resource per second Value=1268 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11892 StartupTime:

130715772666720885, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeoabapppool(CC31A917) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=36576, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11864, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11864 StartupTime:

130715772666095859, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(E1115251)

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=36248, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11864, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11864 StartupTime:

130715772666095859, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(34B9187E) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=35920, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11864, counter : time in

resource per second Value=503 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11864 StartupTime:

130715772666095859, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangepowershellfrontendapppool(FAEFA1B4) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=35592, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11620, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11620 StartupTime:

130715772643281776, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangemapimailboxapppool(E28F3117) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=35264, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11620, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11620 StartupTime:

130715772643281776, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangemapimailboxapppool(F9439F58) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=34936, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11620, counter : time in

resource per second Value=1008 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11620 StartupTime:

130715772643281776, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangemapimailboxapppool(35491652) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=34608, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11572, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11572 StartupTime:

130715772641719161, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangemapifrontendapppool(2C7F2005) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=34280, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11572, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11572 StartupTime:

130715772641719161, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangemapifrontendapppool(BE5C2DAA) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=33952, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 11572, counter : time in

resource per second Value=610 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 11572 StartupTime:

130715772641719161, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangemapifrontendapppool(C0FDFAE0) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=33624, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8656, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8656 StartupTime: 130715772310286694,

currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeautodiscoverapppool(6DABF262) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=33296,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8656, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8656 StartupTime: 130715772310286694,

currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeautodiscoverapppool(D1C6EF4D) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=32968,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8656, counter : time in resource

per second Value=812 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8656 StartupTime: 130715772310286694,

currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeautodiscoverapppool(FD072087) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=32640,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10588, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10588 StartupTime:

130715772186212281, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(3CF18BF) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=32312, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10588, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10588 StartupTime:

130715772186212281, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(A686C810) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=31984, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10588, counter : time in

resource per second Value=4488 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10588 StartupTime:

130715772186212281, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangepowershellapppool(9E48CD5A) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=31656, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10684, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10684 StartupTime:

130715772191837830, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeowacalendarapppool(8F10D1B5) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=31328, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10684, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10684 StartupTime:

130715772191837830, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeowacalendarapppool(2D8C9EBA) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=31000, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10684, counter : time in

resource per second Value=483 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10684 StartupTime:

130715772191837830, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeowacalendarapppool(D845E230) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=30672, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10664, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10664 StartupTime:

130715772191212763, currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangesyncapppool(9F5D0139) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=30344, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10664, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10664 StartupTime:

130715772191212763, currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangesyncapppool(37D39796) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=30016, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 10664, counter : time in

resource per second Value=646 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 10664 StartupTime:

130715772191212763, currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangesyncapppool(15C89D5C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=29688, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13676, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 13676 StartupTime:

130715781070343634, currentInstance : rpca-powershell-defaultdomain(4598AFAF) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=29360, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13676, counter : time in

resource per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 13676 StartupTime:

130715781070343634, currentInstance : mb-powershell-defaultdomain(CC014C00) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=29032, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 13676, counter : time in

resource per second Value=168 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 13676 StartupTime:

130715781070343634, currentInstance : ad-powershell-defaultdomain(95CC324A) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=28704, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 2088, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 2088 StartupTime: 130715770329985275,

currentInstance : rpca-noderunner-contentenginenode1(316BF6E3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=28376,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 2088, counter : time in resource

per second Value=4188 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 2088 StartupTime: 130715770329985275,

currentInstance : mb-noderunner-contentenginenode1(2EE8286C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=28048,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 2088, counter : time in resource

per second Value=2896 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 2088 StartupTime: 130715770329985275,

currentInstance : ad-noderunner-contentenginenode1(61591E6) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=27720,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6828, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6828 StartupTime: 130715772024242610,

currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangerpcproxyapppool(8B7590B3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=27392,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6828, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6828 StartupTime: 130715772024242610,

currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangerpcproxyapppool(B190F21C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=27064,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6828, counter : time in resource

per second Value=358 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6828 StartupTime: 130715772024242610,

currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangerpcproxyapppool(99BB8ED6) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=26736,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8572, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8572 StartupTime: 130715771541860278,

currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(4AA799E7) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=26408,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8572, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8572 StartupTime: 130715771541860278,

currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(C3953468) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=26080,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8572, counter : time in resource

per second Value=1277 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8572 StartupTime: 130715771541860278,

currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeowaapppool(160BE662) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=25752,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7708, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7708 StartupTime: 130715771429672784,

currentInstance : rpca-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(911B6EB3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=25424,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7708, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7708 StartupTime: 130715771429672784,

currentInstance : mb-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(A5AF4BBC) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=25096,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7708, counter : time in resource

per second Value=732 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7708 StartupTime: 130715771429672784,

currentInstance : ad-edgetransport-edgetransport.exe(E79D4A36) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=24768,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4128, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4128 StartupTime: 130715771453735304,

currentInstance :

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=24440, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4128, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4128 StartupTime: 130715771453735304,

currentInstance :

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=24112, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 4128, counter : time in resource

per second Value=181 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 4128 StartupTime: 130715771453735304,

currentInstance :

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=23784, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6548, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6548 StartupTime: 130715771389516527,

currentInstance : rpca-msexchangemailboxreplication-msexchangemailboxreplication.exe(276F4DB3)

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=23456, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6548, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6548 StartupTime: 130715771389516527,

currentInstance : mb-msexchangemailboxreplication-msexchangemailboxreplication.exe(95E41BC) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=23128, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6548, counter : time in resource

per second Value=170 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6548 StartupTime: 130715771389516527,

currentInstance : ad-msexchangemailboxreplication-msexchangemailboxreplication.exe(394712B6) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=22800, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7544, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7544 StartupTime: 130715771408266547,

currentInstance : rpca-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(24F56C33) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=22472, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7544, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7544 StartupTime: 130715771408266547,

currentInstance : mb-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(92FB3D3C) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=22144, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7544, counter : time in resource

per second Value=36 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7544 StartupTime: 130715771408266547,

currentInstance : ad-msexchangetransport-msexchangetransport.exe(2447ECB6) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=21816, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8040, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8040 StartupTime: 130715771367016527,

currentInstance : rpca-msexchangemailboxassistants-msexchangemailboxassistants.exe(DEAC0933) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=21488, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8040, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8040 StartupTime: 130715771367016527,

currentInstance : mb-msexchangemailboxassistants-msexchangemailboxassistants.exe(A754293C) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=21160, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 8040, counter : time in resource

per second Value=64 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 8040 StartupTime: 130715771367016527,

currentInstance : ad-msexchangemailboxassistants-msexchangemailboxassistants.exe(EE890EB6) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=20832, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7924, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7924 StartupTime: 130715771357016538,

currentInstance :

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=20504, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7924, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7924 StartupTime: 130715771357016538,

currentInstance :

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=20176, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7924, counter : time in resource

per second Value=696 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7924 StartupTime: 130715771357016538,

currentInstance :

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=19848, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7520, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7520 StartupTime: 130715771321704036,

currentInstance : rpca-msexchangefrontendtransport-msexchangefrontendtransport.exe(935D2AB3) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=19520, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7520, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7520 StartupTime: 130715771321704036,

currentInstance : mb-msexchangefrontendtransport-msexchangefrontendtransport.exe(52FB38BC) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=19192, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7520, counter : time in resource

per second Value=810 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7520 StartupTime: 130715771321704036,

currentInstance : ad-msexchangefrontendtransport-msexchangefrontendtransport.exe(409CE636) RefCount=1

SpinLock=0 Offset=18864, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7100, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7100 StartupTime: 130715771278422784,

currentInstance :

(3A401CB3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=18536, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7100, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7100 StartupTime: 130715771278422784,

currentInstance :

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=18208, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 7100, counter : time in resource

per second Value=560 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 7100 StartupTime: 130715771278422784,

currentInstance :

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=17880, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6280, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6280 StartupTime: 130715771204829034,

currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeecpapppool(57806648) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=17552,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6280, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6280 StartupTime: 130715771204829034,

currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeecpapppool(E27E6507) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=17224,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6280, counter : time in resource

per second Value=2671 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6280 StartupTime: 130715771204829034,

currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeecpapppool(B648688D) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=16896,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6012, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6012 StartupTime: 130715771172641540,

currentInstance : rpca-w3wp-msexchangeservicesapppool(E8BBF810) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=16568,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6012, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6012 StartupTime: 130715771172641540,

currentInstance : mb-w3wp-msexchangeservicesapppool(10FE94BF) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=16240,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6012, counter : time in resource

per second Value=749 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6012 StartupTime: 130715771172641540,

currentInstance : ad-w3wp-msexchangeservicesapppool(E0DE475) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=15912,

categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6900, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6900 StartupTime: 130715771259047792,

currentInstance :

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=15584, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6900, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6900 StartupTime: 130715771259047792,

currentInstance :

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=15256, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 6900, counter : time in resource

per second Value=545 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 6900 StartupTime: 130715771259047792,

currentInstance :

RefCount=1 SpinLock=0 Offset=14928, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5944, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5944 StartupTime: 130715771193266533,

currentInstance : rpca-msexchangedagmgmt-msexchangedagmgmt.exe(AEDE63B3) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=14600, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5944, counter : time in resource

per second Value=0 SpinLock=0 Lifetime=Type: 1 ProcessId: 5944 StartupTime: 130715771193266533,

currentInstance : mb-msexchangedagmgmt-msexchangedagmgmt.exe(55FA86BC) RefCount=1 SpinLock=0

Offset=14272, categoryName: MSExchange Activity Context Resources
A process is holding onto a transport performance counter. processId : 5944, counter : time in resource

per second Value=242 SpinLock=...


I deleted all the health mailboxes and re-created them according to one of the aricle but no use.

Can anyone please help me how to resolve the issue?

Thanks in advance...

March 23rd, 2015 6:12am

Kindly if anyone please help me to resolve the issue..

Thanks in advance

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 24th, 2015 8:34am


Basic on my research, please run below command to double check the server component state:
Get-ServerComponentstate <Identity>

If the state is Inactive, please run below command to active relevant component:
Set-ServerComponentState <Identity> -Component component name -Requester HealthAPI -State Active
For your reference:


March 25th, 2015 5:36am

I checked and found two server components Inactive

ForwardSyncDaemon Inactive
ProvisioningRps Inactive

I activated them and observing. I will post the results tomorrow.

Thanks ..

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 30th, 2015 8:07am


I am still getting the same error;

Kindly advise...

March 30th, 2015 8:11am

Kindly advise how to resolve the above issue.

Thanks in advance.

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 31st, 2015 12:39am

Hello Sawag,

These are the Performance counters below are the steps to performed.

Within the Exchange Management Shell, weve to run the following commands:

add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Setup
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\RpcClientAccessPerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\AdminAuditPerfCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ResourceHealthPerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ThrottlingPerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\MiddleTierStoragePerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\IsMemberOfResolverPerfCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ADRecipientCachePerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ExchangeTopologyPerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ExSearchPerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ExSearchCatalogPerformanceCounters.xml

Also please follow the below article

Note: If there is any Antivirus running on this machine would request to please turn off temporarily.



Remember to mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question.That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you Check out my latest blog posts @

March 31st, 2015 1:35am

Hello Sawag,

These are the Performance counters below are the steps to performed.

Within the Exchange Management Shell, weve to run the following commands:

add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Setup
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\RpcClientAccessPerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\AdminAuditPerfCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ResourceHealthPerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ThrottlingPerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\MiddleTierStoragePerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\IsMemberOfResolverPerfCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ADRecipientCachePerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ExchangeTopologyPerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ExSearchPerformanceCounters.xml
New-PerfCounters -definitionfilename $exinstall\Setup\Perf\ExSearchCatalogPerformanceCounters.xml

Also please follow the below article

Note: If there is any Antivirus running on this machine would request to please turn off temporarily.



Remember to mark as helpful if you find my contribution useful or as an answer if it does answer your question.That will encourage me - and others - to take time out to help you Check out my latest blog posts @

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 31st, 2015 5:33am

Yeah I ran the commands, please find the result below

March 31st, 2015 11:58am

I am still getting the error please advise how to solve ...
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 2nd, 2015 5:37am

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