MS Office 2010 - .TMP not deleted

I have noticed just resently that MS Office 2010 is creating a lot of .TMP and not removing them. It only happens for the Office programs and only if the file being edited is on a network drive.  It was previously not happening. We have all Windows 7 PCs

I have done the following tests.

  • Anti-Virus detection off and on   .... It makes no difference.
  • Switching Windows Indexing off .... It makes no difference.
  • I get no error messages from MS Office hitting that there may be a problem.
  • If I use Windows/XP (created just to test) I get a "sharing violation" message. No one else is using the file.

It does not happen when using a Windows file server.

I would like to find out or understand the process that Office 2010 is using so as to assist in determining the problem and hopefully a resolution.

Now, the file server we are using is a Oracle ZFS appliance (UNIX). It has been working for ages. I suspect that it is some new issue between the ZFS applicance and the way that Office 2010 works with files that is causing the problem.

Can anyone please steer me in the correct direction so that this issue can be resolve.



March 24th, 2015 10:20pm

This issue has been resolved. The problem was ..

ZFSSS 2013.1.3.0 provides support to SMB 2.1 and its new features. One of such is called "Client Oplock Leasing."

Here are the findings.1. In the default settings, Windows 7 uses SMB 2.1 feature Oplock Leasing.

Reference: What's New in SMB (

2.  Setting appliance to limit SMB protocol version to 2.0 solves the problem.

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March 31st, 2015 7:53pm

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