MS word addins not working

Error message:

MS word experienced a serious problem with the pdf create 8 word addin (nuance pdf product addin). if you have seen this message multiple times. you should disable this addin and check to see if an update is available. do you want to disabele this add-in?

Click Yes / No

Disabling addin doesnt helped.

March 18th, 2015 6:07am


Based on the description, it seems the error occurs when you start Word with a 3rd-party add-in.

Please try to start Word in Safe Mode first, check if the issue persists without the add-in:

Press Win + R, type "winword.exe /safe" in the blank box.

If Word runs fine in Safe Mode, we may suspect the add-in itself is damaged, we can try to re-install the add-in.

If the issue persists, since the add-ins is not a Microsoft product, we need to contact the developer of this add-in for further assistance.


Melon Chen
TechNet Community Su

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March 19th, 2015 1:53am

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