Mail Contact Query
Have you tried running >get-contact -organizationalUnit "test" | seelect DisplayName, primarySMTPaddress,createStampTime | export-csv "c:\exported-contacts.csv".
I'm not 100% sure about the attributes of created Date and Modified Date but you can find that out via adsiedit to find the correct attribute name.
November 29th, 2011 5:22am
Thanks for the responses.
The get-contact cmd was right on point. I ran it as follows:
get-contact -organizationalUnit "Mail Enabled Contacts" | select DisplayName, WhenCreated, WhenChanged >c:\temp\contact.csv
Thanks Michael!
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November 29th, 2011 4:37pm
I need to get rid of old mail contacts (Exchange 2007) that are no longer being used we have alot of them that have been created over the years. I know I can extract this information from AD but not sure of the syntax for the query and I would
need to pull:
How can I pull this information out of AD for the contacts only to provide createstamptime and modifystamptime in
the results other than looking at them individually?
December 3rd, 2011 5:31pm
Have you tried running >get-contact -organizationalUnit "test" | seelect DisplayName, primarySMTPaddress,createStampTime | export-csv "c:\exported-contacts.csv".
I'm not 100% sure about the attributes of created Date and Modified Date but you can find that out via adsiedit to find the correct attribute name.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
December 3rd, 2011 9:08pm
Please refer this.. it may help you..,-hello-export-mailbox/
hope this helps!Thanks & Regards, Kottees
December 4th, 2011 4:35am