I have a rule created, when anyone from a specific group sends an email with specific words in the subject that email is filed into a public folder.
What's happening is not all messages are making it to the public folder:
If the message... Includes these words in the message subject: 'Processed' or 'Received' or 'Confirm' or 'Acknowledged' or 'Acknowledging' or 'Acknowledgement' or 'Acknowledge' or 'Confirmed' or 'Confirming' or 'Confirmation'and Is received from a member of group 'CSRgroup@domain.com' or 'othergroup@domain.com' Do the following...
Blind carbon copy(Bcc) the message to 'publicfolder@domain.com' or 'pop3integrationforourCRM@domain.com'
What I notice is the "or" on the main menu page, but when digging into the actual rule it's an "and" could this be my problem?
Or could there be something with the mail rule itself not triggering the message as meeting the criteria? Is there a way to check this?