Mail Routing Question
My current environment is Exchange 2007 SP3. My company has its headquarters in Chicago, and then we also have a business relationship with another location in the Phillipines. This other location has their own AD and Exchange environment; completely separate from the location in Chicago. The other location is having issues with SPAM. The question was raised whether or not we could redirect their email thru our Chicago location (which has SPAM software/protection, etc). What is the easiest way to make this happen. I don't know much about the location in the Philipines other than they do use Exchange; not sure what version though. I also believe they have a Windows AD environment as well; again not sure what versions they are using. Is this possible? Can I reroute their email thru our email environment as a means to clean up their SPAM issue? How?
November 23rd, 2010 8:25pm

What you can do is host their mx record and then have all their mail go through your spam software and then have that relay to their exchange server. The down side is all incoming will have to relay via Chicago. Else you can have a spam software in their location.
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November 23rd, 2010 11:27pm

Agree with Michael, As your philipinse location is having seperate AD ORG then you can configure that site domain as relay domain in accepted domain and then allow mail flow thru your exchange ORG.Configure accepted domain as External Relay Domain in your Exchange ORG. When you configure an external relay domain, messages are relayed to an e-mail server outside your Exchange organization. Messages addressed to an external relay domain are relayed through an Exchange Server 2007 Edge Transport Server. This scenario is quite simple. The external relay domain’s MX (Mail Exchanger) record is configured to route e-mail to the Exchange 2007 organization. Exchange Server accepts e-mail messages for this domain name and will route messages to this domain through an SMTP send connector that you must configure. The send connector relays the message to the external relay domain. Anil
November 24th, 2010 12:18am

What does "host" their MX record mean? Get you give me more details on how to do this?
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November 24th, 2010 8:08am

“Host” means to point the MX of Philippine to the public IP of the edge server in Chicago. You can get more details from the links in the Anil’s postJames Luo TechNet Subscriber Support ( If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
November 24th, 2010 8:58pm

What about their internal MX record? I assuming those can stay as is? I don't plan to filter their outgoing; at least not at this stage. There won't be issues if their internal MX record is different from the external?
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November 25th, 2010 7:22pm

As long as you changed the public MX record of Philippine on the ISP, the mail flow will be transferred to Chicago MX record (Philippine)->A record (Chicago)->HT server (Chicago)James Luo TechNet Subscriber Support ( If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
November 25th, 2010 9:05pm

Dear Chaz, All above posts directed you the correct action to be taken as pointing the MX records could only solve your querry. To have more info about how to set up the MX records in your organization, here below I am giving you the link for the same.
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November 29th, 2010 2:25am

How do I setup the receiving side with the ability to receive the email I'm sending them? I know on my end I'd have to setup an external relay domain, but what about the other end?
December 2nd, 2010 9:45am

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