Mail enabled public folder has me stumped
In my Exchange 2003 environment I have a mail enabled public folder, EvalInfo, with an email address of We also have an internal distribution called Everyone that contains the names and email addresses for the entire company. For some reason, when an email is sent to the Everyone distribution list, the EvalInfo mail enabled public folder also receives a copy of the email. I have verified several times thoguh Exchange manager, through the distribution list itself, group memberships, etc., that this folder should not be receiving these email. So, what am I missing? How is a copy of an email sent to the Everyone distribution list ending up in the EvalInfo mail enabled public folder? Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you might have. Dave
June 21st, 2011 5:06pm

1. It could be one of the users has a rule/forward to the PF. 2. Check the message hearder on the message from the PF and see what it says. 3. Use MT and see how the message got there.Sukh
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June 21st, 2011 5:09pm

One of my coworkers, without my knowledge or documenting it, had set up auto forwarding on an ex-employees acccount to the EvalInfo folder.
June 21st, 2011 6:00pm

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