Mail not deliverd to DL
We are using Exchange 2007 SP2 in our organisation. We have a distribution list containing all our employees and it's a dynamic distribution list with almost 1100 users. Recently one of our senior executive send a mail to this distribution list and many
of the users didn't recive the mail. I can track messages on individual basis and I can see the users who reports didn't recive mail has no delivery event in the logs. We are using a third party tool Mail marshal for scanning the mails so I belive this has
been happened from the tool.
Any how my question is how can I track who all in the distribution list recived the message and who all didn't recive the message.
Also is there a way to enable NDR for dyanmic distribution list?
April 25th, 2010 12:47pm
Message Tracking is the best way. NDRs will be sent if the message cant be delivered, but it sounds like you need to focus on Mail Marshall instead.
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April 25th, 2010 5:09pm
Mail marshal support is looking at the logs and they will have to come up with a solution. But I need to find the all users message not deliverd. No NDR is recived when the messages not delivered in this case.
April 25th, 2010 6:25pm
Yes, and message tracking is really the best tool there. I assume the messages are not in a message queue?
You may want to also run the Mailflow Troubleshooter in the EMC toolbox.
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April 25th, 2010 6:33pm
Tracking mail delivery to DL is not easy as to other mail boxes. Any how we imported the log files as it is to the excel sheets and did some sorting with mail id.
We are also trying to use an SQL DB to query the logs.
Thanks AndyD for the replies.
May 1st, 2010 7:35pm