MailboxTransport health set unhealthy (Mapi.Submit.Monitor/Mailbox Transport)

Hello everyone,

We are getting the following event log on our Exchange 2013 mailbox server

Probe result (Name=Mapi.Submit.Probe) ID 2

Error messaging in SCOM:

Alert: {2}
Source: U-PERUN4 - MailboxTransport
Path: U-PERUN4.contoso.loc;U-PERUN4.contoso.loc
Last modified by: System
Last modified time: 7/1/2015 4:47:42 PM
Alert description: Mailbox Transport Submission - the verification that the probe messages were successfully submitted within 5 minutes to HUB has failed.
      This could indicate that the mailbox submissions are taking too long or not progressing at all.
      SequenceNumber: 635713513439706545
      Error: MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
      FailureContext: MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
      ExecutionContext: MapiSubmitLAMProbe started. This performs - 1. Submits a new message to Store 2. Checks results from previous Send Mail operation. Sequence # = 635713513439706545. First Run? = False. Previous mail submission to store was successful. Results -  # of previous results: 0.  Could Not Find stages that ran.  Previous SendMail failure -  Mail submitted to Store during the previous run never reached SendAsCheck.
                        This may indicate a latency from Store to Submission Service. Investigating.  Found lower SA latency. Indicates an issue in Submission service.
                            Investigate. In SendMail -  NotificationID=00000032-0000-0000-0000-0000837d3db1 Sending mail. SendMail finished. MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
      CheckPreviousRunMail exception details:
      Current SendMail exception details:
      MailWasSentInLastRun (0(no)/1(yes)): 1
      CheckMailSuccess(0(no)/1(yes)): 0
      SendMailSuccess(0(no)/1(yes)/2(no-noMDBs)/3(no-noActiveMDBs)/4(no-ignorableException)): 1
      PreviousMailLatencies: <428e8a338e5a43088f63b946adc850d5@U-PERUN4.contoso.loc>,,2015-07-01T13:42:24.788Z;LSRV=U-PERUN4.contoso.loc:TOTAL-SUB=0.265|SA=0.046|MTSSDA=0.019|MTSSDC=0.002|MTSSDSDM-Meeting Forward Notification Agent=0.008|MTSSDSDM=0.008|SMSC=0.017|SMS=0.145|MTSSDMO=0.164|MTSSDPL=0.009|MTSSDSS=0.005|MTSSD=0.218|MTSS=0.218;;<e0766c1c3c9247f086522d973e99c569@U-PERUN4.contoso.loc>,,2015-07-01T13:37:24.752Z;LSRV=U-PERUN4.contoso.loc:TOTAL-SUB=0.281|SA=0.046|MTSSDA=0.013|MTSSDC=0.002|MTSSDSDM-Meeting Forward Notification Agent=0.004|MTSSDSDM=0.004|SMSC=0.031|SMS=0.151|MTSSDMO=0.185|MTSSDPL=0.013|MTSSDSS=0.007|MTSSD=0.236|MTSS=0.236;;<4c76d201eef14f2ea052eb3091c4e110@U-PERUN4.contoso.loc>,,2015-07-01T13:32:24.742Z;LSRV=U-PERUN4.contoso.loc:TOTAL-SUB=0.203|SA=0.031|MTSSDA=0.010|MTSSDC=0.002|SMSC=0.007|SMS=0.125|MTSSDMO=0.134|MTSSDPL=0.011|MTSSDSS=0.004|MTSSD=0.172|MTSS=0.172;;
      (The following are applicable if the mail was actually sent)
      MailSentAt: 7/1/2015 1:47:24 PM
      TimeInSendingToStore: 46.8768
      Sent Mail Result Details:
        ItemEntryId:0 0 0 0 7D 9A 7F E2 59 D3 64 4F 98 64 A9 3A 39 A2 B6 B2 7 0 FA E3 86 A4 96 98 22 43 AD BF BE C3 91 39 9D BB 0 0 0 0 1 B 0 0 FA E3 86 A4 96 98 22 43 AD BF BE C3 91 39 9D BB 0 0 0 1A 66 6F 0 0 )
        Properties of Sending mail
        Body and MessageClass:MessageClass:IPM.Note.MapiSubmitLAMProbe;MessageBody:This is a Probe Mapi message that's Submitted from Store to Mailbox transport Submission service to Hub transport service;
        DoNotDeliver, DropMessageInHub and DeleteAfterSent:DoNotDeliver:True;DropMessageInHub:True;DeleteAfterSubmit:True;)
Probe Exception: 'System.ApplicationException: MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
   at Microsoft.Forefront.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Transport.Probes.MapiSubmitLAMProbe.PerformProbeFinalAction(Boolean potentialForAlertBasedOnPreviousRun, Boolean potentialForAlertBasedOnCurrentRun, Exception previousRunVerificationException, Exception currentRunException, DateTime timeMessageSentToStore)
   at Microsoft.Forefront.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Transport.Probes.MapiSubmitLAMProbe.DoWorkInternal(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Microsoft.Forefront.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Transport.Probes.MapiSubmitLAMProbe.DoWork(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFramework.WorkItem.Execute(CancellationToken joinedToken)
   at Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFramework.WorkItem.<>c__DisplayClass2.<StartExecuting>b__0()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()'
Probe Result Name: 'Mapi.Submit.Probe'
Probe Result Type: 'Failed'
Monitor Total Value: '0'
Monitor Total Sample Count: '12'
Monitor Total Failed Count: '12'
Monitor Poisoned Count: '0'
Monitor First Alert Observed Time: '7/1/2015 1:02:24 PM'


Alert view link: "?DisplayMode=Pivot&AlertID=%7b610115d4-cde4-4269-97aa-43cc642fc998%7d"
Notification subscription ID generating this message: {31920313-9173-BC7E-862C-69975886F4DF}

After you change the timezone on the (UTC -05:00) Eastern Time (US &Canada) problem disappeared. But my timezone (UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius

Any ideas ?

July 1st, 2015 1:00pm

What CU is this? if not CU9, maybe look to upgrading first.
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July 1st, 2015 2:11pm

Hi Anton,

Thank you for your question.

We should make sure Exchange and domain controller has same time zone, and the difference of time is within 5 min between DC and Exchange server, it will be better to have the same time, then check if the issue persist.

If the Exchange work correctly without any problems, we could ignore this event, because this error may be caused by time zone.

If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know.

Best Regard,


July 1st, 2015 10:22pm

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