Hello everyone,
We are getting the following event log on our Exchange 2013 mailbox server
Probe result (Name=Mapi.Submit.Probe) ID 2
Error messaging in SCOM:
Alert: {2}
Source: U-PERUN4 - MailboxTransport
Path: U-PERUN4.contoso.loc;U-PERUN4.contoso.loc
Last modified by: System
Last modified time: 7/1/2015 4:47:42 PM
Alert description: Mailbox Transport Submission - the verification that the probe messages were successfully submitted within 5 minutes to HUB has failed.
This could indicate that the mailbox submissions are taking too long or not progressing at all.
SequenceNumber: 635713513439706545
Error: MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
FailureContext: MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
ExecutionContext: MapiSubmitLAMProbe started. This performs - 1. Submits a new message to Store 2. Checks results from previous Send Mail operation. Sequence # = 635713513439706545. First Run? = False. Previous mail submission
to store was successful. Results - # of previous results: 0. Could Not Find stages that ran. Previous SendMail failure - Mail submitted to Store during the previous run never reached SendAsCheck.
This may indicate a latency from Store to Submission Service. Investigating. Found lower SA latency. Indicates an
issue in Submission service.
Investigate. In SendMail - NotificationID=00000032-0000-0000-0000-0000837d3db1 Sending mail.
SendMail finished. MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
CheckPreviousRunMail exception details:
Current SendMail exception details:
MailWasSentInLastRun (0(no)/1(yes)): 1
CheckMailSuccess(0(no)/1(yes)): 0
SendMailSuccess(0(no)/1(yes)/2(no-noMDBs)/3(no-noActiveMDBs)/4(no-ignorableException)): 1
PreviousMailLatencies: <428e8a338e5a43088f63b946adc850d5@U-PERUN4.contoso.loc>,,2015-07-01T13:42:24.788Z;LSRV=U-PERUN4.contoso.loc:TOTAL-SUB=0.265|SA=0.046|MTSSDA=0.019|MTSSDC=0.002|MTSSDSDM-Meeting Forward Notification
Forward Notification Agent=0.004|MTSSDSDM=0.004|SMSC=0.031|SMS=0.151|MTSSDMO=0.185|MTSSDPL=0.013|MTSSDSS=0.007|MTSSD=0.236|MTSS=0.236;;<4c76d201eef14f2ea052eb3091c4e110@U-PERUN4.contoso.loc>,,2015-07-01T13:32:24.742Z;LSRV=U-PERUN4.contoso.loc:TOTAL-SUB=0.203|SA=0.031|MTSSDA=0.010|MTSSDC=0.002|SMSC=0.007|SMS=0.125|MTSSDMO=0.134|MTSSDPL=0.011|MTSSDSS=0.004|MTSSD=0.172|MTSS=0.172;;
(The following are applicable if the mail was actually sent)
MailSentAt: 7/1/2015 1:47:24 PM
TimeInSendingToStore: 46.8768
Sent Mail Result Details:
ItemEntryId:0 0 0 0 7D 9A 7F E2 59 D3 64 4F 98 64 A9 3A 39 A2 B6 B2 7 0 FA E3 86 A4 96 98 22 43 AD BF BE C3 91 39 9D BB 0 0 0 0 1 B 0 0 FA E3 86 A4 96 98 22 43 AD BF BE C3 91 39 9D BB 0 0 0 1A 66 6F 0 0 )
Properties of Sending mail
Body and MessageClass:MessageClass:IPM.Note.MapiSubmitLAMProbe;MessageBody:This is a Probe Mapi message that's Submitted from Store to Mailbox transport Submission service to Hub transport service;
DoNotDeliver, DropMessageInHub and DeleteAfterSent:DoNotDeliver:True;DropMessageInHub:True;DeleteAfterSubmit:True;)
Probe Exception: 'System.ApplicationException: MapiSubmitLAMProbe finished with CheckPreviousMail failure.
at Microsoft.Forefront.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Transport.Probes.MapiSubmitLAMProbe.PerformProbeFinalAction(Boolean potentialForAlertBasedOnPreviousRun, Boolean potentialForAlertBasedOnCurrentRun, Exception previousRunVerificationException,
Exception currentRunException, DateTime timeMessageSentToStore)
at Microsoft.Forefront.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Transport.Probes.MapiSubmitLAMProbe.DoWorkInternal(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.Forefront.Monitoring.ActiveMonitoring.Transport.Probes.MapiSubmitLAMProbe.DoWork(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFramework.WorkItem.Execute(CancellationToken joinedToken)
at Microsoft.Office.Datacenter.WorkerTaskFramework.WorkItem.<>c__DisplayClass2.<StartExecuting>b__0()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()'
Probe Result Name: 'Mapi.Submit.Probe'
Probe Result Type: 'Failed'
Monitor Total Value: '0'
Monitor Total Sample Count: '12'
Monitor Total Failed Count: '12'
Monitor Poisoned Count: '0'
Monitor First Alert Observed Time: '7/1/2015 1:02:24 PM'
Knowledge: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms.exch.scom.MailboxTransport(EXCHG.150).aspx?v=15.0.1076.9
Alert view link: "?DisplayMode=Pivot&AlertID=%7b610115d4-cde4-4269-97aa-43cc642fc998%7d"
Notification subscription ID generating this message: {31920313-9173-BC7E-862C-69975886F4DF}
After you change the timezone on the (UTC -05:00) Eastern Time (US &Canada) problem disappeared. But my timezone (UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius
Any ideas ?
- Edited by Anton Moshkovskiy 14 hours 24 minutes ago