1/.2 agree with Hinte, HOWEVER don't delete it from EMC instead do a dial tone
1. Dismount the DB in EMC
2. Navigate to the location of the DB and delete the Physical file, then Stop the Search Index Service and Delete the catalog folder
3. Navigate to the location of the LOGS for that DB and delete ALL Physical file
4. Now go back into the EMC and Mount the DB. Exchange will squawk saying that it cannot find the files and if you continue a NEW empty DB will be created
5. Say yes
New small empty DB is now created and its now ready for other mailboxes to be moved into it in the future so that you can continue to use same DB names and rotate them as needed
This method is much better IMO since you can continue to protect/backup the DB etc.
NOTE: This is also a great method to use if you have a corrupt DB and you want to get users back up and running, send receive email again, however instead of deleting the DB and LOGS you
A: rename the Folders there are in
B: Create new folders of the same name
C: Mount and create the new DB as above and then users can start sending/receiving email immediate so business can continue
D: Then you can either repair the other DB and use RDB method to recover OR use our DigiScope product to attempt to open the damaged database via our Forensic Mount which can blow by most corruption and also doesn't require log roll-up. Then you can
connect DigiScope to the production sever and restore all mailboxes to the production server and it can be done while users are within the mailboxes.