Mailbox Quota
Hi all can anyone point me in the right direction on how to setup mailbox quotas through group membership in Exchange 2007 / AD 2008.Also I have been recommended to setup my CCR 25000 user quotas environment that has 4 quotas limits through group membership and not at database level. Is this the recommended way?Therefore having databases with a number of users that have multiple quotas attached?Thanks
April 7th, 2009 10:53am
Here is an example of setting quota based on group membership. Below cmdlet will set quota on all members of a Group "1GB Quota" to 800MB warning, 900MB prohibit send and 1GB prohibit send & receive.
Get-DistributionGroupMember "1GB Quota" | Set-Mailbox -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $False -IssueWarningQuota 800MB -ProhibitSendQuota 900MB -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 1GB
It is better to keep similar size of mailboxes on common database from administration prospective but of course in Exchange 2007 it is not too hard to manage with powershell.
Amit Tank | MVP - Exchange | MCITP:EMA MCSA:M |
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April 7th, 2009 11:05am
And yeh, you can follow below article while discovering exceptionalmailboxes based on quota in your Exchange environment with powershell.
Find Exceptional Mailboxes in Exchange Environment
Amit Tank | MVP - Exchange | MCITP:EMA MCSA:M |
April 7th, 2009 11:08am
Thanks AmitWould be not be easier to manage the number of databases approx 20+ with quotas set on the database?I have never seen managing this number of users across 20+ databases that may have 4 seperate quotas of user per database and therefore having a inconsistent amount of database max size? Number of users etc.How would you do it?Thanks for the help and guidance.
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April 7th, 2009 11:32am
Well, that's the pain and reason of recommendation to keep similar size of mailboxes on a database to calculate the storage requirement properly and administrate easily.
However still you can do calculation based storage space available for the database file with the recommendation and calculation formula available for actual mailbox size, database size and LUN size planning in below article.
Mailbox Server Storage Design
Powershell cmdlet examples to gather mailboxes info of a database...
Total number of mailboxes:
Get-Mailbox-Database "ServerName\SGName\DBName"| measure-object
No of mailboxes with 1GB qutoa:
Get-Mailbox -Database "ServerName\SGName\DBName"| Wher {$_.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota-eq "1048576KB"} | measure-object
Mailboxes with database default quota:
Get-Mailbox-Database "ServerName\SGName\DBName"| Where {$_.UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults -eq $True}Amit Tank | MVP - Exchange | MCITP:EMA MCSA:M |
April 7th, 2009 11:55am
Thanks for that AmitSpeak to you again some time I am sure..MF
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April 7th, 2009 12:02pm