Mailbox Role fails to install in Exchange 2010
I'm receiving failure attempts while trying to install Exchange 2010 in Server08 R2. The server is virtualized and can't seem to find out what the problem is. The mailbox role fails along with the hub transport role. They do seem to have the
same issue as the error message seem to be the same. I have two screen shots with the error. Any help will appriciated.
June 8th, 2012 10:38am
Could you check if "Web Server (IIS) Tools" has been installed, it is one of the RSAT Role Admin tools?
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June 8th, 2012 10:47am
These are the roles installed, and thanks for the reply.
Thomas Abunimeh
June 8th, 2012 1:20pm
Hi there,
This sounds like you have followed up with the Prerequisite hub Transport role.
Please see the Link, which has the detailed step by step :
First Click on :Install the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system prerequisites & follow the instruction.
Second Click : Install the Exchange 2010 SP1 and SP2 Hotfixes for Windows Server 2008 R2 & follow the instruction.
All the best for the installation.
Ashwini Kumar
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June 9th, 2012 5:08pm
Please try the suggestion provided in the following two links:
June 10th, 2012 10:45pm
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I figured it out when Steve mentioned if the IIS was installed. I remembered that I had the virtual server on an external hard drive and exchange was being installed on the local drive. Thomas Abunimeh
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June 11th, 2012 12:23am