Mailbox limits and messaging with Exchange 2010 SP1
I just set the storage limits on each mailbox in Exchange 2010 with Outlook 2010.
The problem I’m having is with messages exchange is supposed to send out every 15 minutes to the user to let them know there mailbox is getting full and they need to start cleaning out their outlook.
The messages seem to come very sporadically for like an hour they came every 15 minutes, then nothing for like 45 minutes, then back to every 15 minutes.
The other problem I'm having is not everyone is getting the message from Exchange even though they are WAY over the limits i have set.
I restarted the Information Store service after I finished and even restarted the Exchange server?
But everyone still doesn't get the email from Exchange telling them they are over the size limit, and they come sporadically at best.
Anyone have any ideas????
OH FYI I did go to the Organization Configuration level, the properties of the database and uncheck the defauit setting for the database ans set the messaging to custiom and configured it to run between 7AM & 5PM
December 22nd, 2010 2:08pm
How did you configure the mailbox storage limits for the database? Have you read the
And you said you unchecked the default settings for the mailbox, may I know what default settings?
Have you check the storage quotas for the full mailbox? Did you confirm that the full mailbox was using the storage limits for a database? Please check the settings
by steps below:
Open the Exchange Management Console, and navigate to the Recipient Configuration, and then click Mailbox.
Right-click the user and select Properties.
Select Storage Quotas in the Mailbox Settings and click the Properties.
What will you see? Does the mailbox use the mailbox database defaults?
Could you please run the cmdlet Get-Mailbox –Identity the full mailbox | fl? And paste the output here?
Best regards,
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December 26th, 2010 8:23pm