Mailbox serverrole installation fails
Summary: 3 item(s). 1 succeeded, 1 failed.Elapsed time: 00:00:03
Preparing SetupCompleted
Elapsed Time: 00:00:00
Mailbox RoleFailed
Error:The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); $count=0; $ExchangeServers = Get-ExchangeServer -DomainController $RoleDomainController; $minVersion = New-Object -typeName Version -argumentlist "8.0.642.0"; foreach ($server in $ExchangeServers) { $currentVersion = [Version]$server.AdminDisplayVersion; if (($currentVersion -ge $minVersion) -and ($server.IsMailboxServer -eq $true)) { $count++; } } if ($count -eq 1) { Set-OrganizationConfig -DomainController $RoleDomainController; }" was run: "The number of subfilters exceeds maximum allowed number of 100. Processing stopped.".
The number of subfilters exceeds maximum allowed number of 100. Processing stopped.
Elapsed Time: 00:00:02
Finalizing SetupCancelled
Log File[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\All Users".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\All Groups".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\All Contacts".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\Public Folders".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\Default Global Address List".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\XxXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0252] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Address List "\All Rooms".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0299] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Read Email Address Policy for organization "" from domain controller XXXX.XXXXXXXXX.XXXXX.[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0393] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "Default Policy".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0471] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0502] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXXx".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0502] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0502] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0502] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0502] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "MXXXXXXXXXXXxn".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0502] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0502] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXxxx".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0502] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0502] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0502] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0502] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0517] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0517] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0517] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0517] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0517] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0517] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0517] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0517] [2] [Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent] Found Email Address Policy "XXXXXXXXXXX".[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0845] [2] [ERROR] The number of subfilters exceeds maximum allowed number of 100. Processing stopped.[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0861] [2] Ending processing.[03/10/2010 14:43:29.0861] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:
Does it have anything to do with the reciepient policies?EXBPA Did not report anything prior to installation.
March 10th, 2010 5:53pm
Here the problem is with your email addresses. Do you have a GAL hosting environment? If so, it is not supported! The number of EAP exceeds 100 in your case.Ref to: need to remove the hosting and migrate.Cheers!
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March 10th, 2010 10:59pm
Ok, but when checking the email address policy, i only have 31 EAP's:Get-EmailAddressPolicy -IncludeMailboxSettingOnlyPolicy Priority RecipientFilter -------- --------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 28 20 27 21 26 25 23 24 29 30 22 Lowest
March 11th, 2010 11:41am
Hello lazyadminhere, I'm not sure what you are referring to with "GAL Hosting Environment". We're not in a hosted exchange scenario and we're not trying to do address list segregation. Wat we do have is a publishing company running on E2K3 for the moment with a little over 30 address policies (because of all of their publications/brands). CAS en HT roles have been set up, the MBX role fails to install because of the error provided by KillerBe above. The error refers to "subfilters", which I believe is referring to an individual "(attribute=value)" LDAP statement based on the explanation in this Kb-article: (&(USNChanged>=xxx)(uSNChanged<=xxx)((objectClass=*))) The (objectCategory=user) attribute and the (extensionAttribute5=0001) attribute are included in this filter. These attributes are called subfilters. Each subfilter is counted as one filter. Hence we counted the individual statements and ended with just under 400 of those equations (which is under the limit of 500 subfilters for E2K3 mentioned in the same KB). Cleaning up is not an option for the customer. Would it make a difference if we upgraded the EAP to OPATH before installing the MBX role? Any other ideas? Our project is unable to progress because of this. PS I'm a colleague of Killerbe
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March 11th, 2010 2:17pm
Final update, has been comfirmed by Micrsosoft yesterday (as posted by KillerBe on Pro-Exchange forum):
The problem is indeed caused by the recipient policies as we suspected from the start. The default policy has 113 "EnabledEmailAddressTemplates" configured and that is causing the issue (according to MS). Exchange Server 2010 is configured with a limit of 100, and is failing because more than 100 EnabledEmailAddressTemplates have been configured in the default policy. Microsoft recommends of removing these EnabledEmailAddressTemplates to reduce the number to be less than 100. The limit of 100 EnabledEmailAddressTemplates will be removed in Exchange 2010 SP1 or SP1 Rollup 1.
March 24th, 2010 12:28pm
Thanks for your feedback. It really would be helpful to who may meet the same issue.
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March 25th, 2010 5:16am